Monday, March 18, 2013

late sunday report, Prospect


from Ryan Bass:

Hi Peter,

I hope that you had a pleasant weekend.

I had a chance to go to the Park on Sunday afternoon, but finding the Varied Thrush had reminded me of searching for that elusive YB Chat. Unfortunately, I couldn't locate the bird and spent a solid 3 hrs looking along the Quaker Ridge, Ravine, and Ambergill. Lots of very friendly birders were out as well.

As previously reported, the Eastern Phoebes are in, my FOS. I snapped a photo of a "B List" Thrush, who was less of a Hermit than the Varied:

and had (2) Killdeer on the Ballfields, along with a relatively high count of American Robins. The Ballfields were abundant with birds at around 6:00 pm as the crowds thinned out.

