A gusty wind under overcast skies seemed like a good thing for flying birds. With the park very quiet regarding warblers that I didn't see any on my chosen route, it was an Osprey that drew my attention and a report of GLOSSY IBISES that hi lighted the morning.
With the interior areas such as the Peninsula heavily deluged with both two legged and four legged creatures that severely impacts migratory bird life, I chose the far more quiet route along south Lake shore. There wasn't much to report ; but a very persistent OSPREY patrolled the Lake, several times diving tremendously into the lake and a few times successfully catching a fish.It's a dramatic occurrence and one to truly enjoy.
The other very good report though seen on rare occasions in migratory flyovers, 7 GLOSSY IBISES flew over the Quaker Cemetery just before 10 am, observed by Katy Toomey and Emily Goldstein, both long time prospect regulars.
Twice at the Rink and over Breeze Hill, I spotted flocks of DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANTS, 27 and 12 respectively. More flying objects getting the limelight.
So the moral is: don't look at just trees and brush, look up as well, particularly on windy days.