The day before the Xmas count and its dicey with previously reported rarities.
Reported at the north or west side of the Golden Stairs near the side park entrance at 10th /11th Avenues- Prospect Park Southwest Ave was EASTERN PHOEBE seen by Steve Nanz
The Clay-colored Sparrow did not appear the 2x I went there but there was someone there or off leashed dogs early this morning in the Maryland Monument spot... Hope or nature's tease ?
( many years ago in Prospect , we had a Long -eared Owl in a pine roost two weeks every day prior that year's count including status as count week bird fled the roost the day of the count despite intense was what it was nature's laugh...I cant hold my breath with these kooky birds....)
Yesterday's Rusty Blackbirds were not seen in the phrag marsh along Peninsula meadow but its likely they are in another marsh...