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-------- Original message --------
From: Matthew Wills <matthewwills@
Subject: Raven, Bald Eagle, Bush Terminal
Following Rob Jett's tweet about Ravens gathering nesting material at Bush Terminal Park this morning, I high-tailed it out there. As I arrived, subadult Bald Eagle scattered all the gulls as it coasted over the docks heading north. Ravens soon spotted, making repeated trips to gather sticks at fenced-off pier ruins. C. Loon, Horned and Red-throated Grebes present.
I'll have a few pictures on tomorrow's blog, .
For publication? I followed the Ravens north. Industry City/South Brooklyn Marine Terminal area all fenced in, but looks like location of nest site. That's the wide pier that would be the extension of 39th-36th Sts. Northern-most warehouse structure on the pier looked like where the Ravens were going.