From Marisa Wohl,posted to nys birds listserve:
Sunset Park ospreys Saturday July 2nd
Sun Jul 3, 20168:21 pm (PDT) . Posted by:marisawohl
Yesterday around3:30 pm I checked out the ospreys nesting on a tall lamppost by the water's edge of NYC Economic Development Corporation property off of 2nd Avenue and 35th Street in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. I'm happy to report that the pair are still on the nest. One bird, presumably the male, on the right of the nest, was active. The other bird, presumably the female, sat low on the left side of the nest without moving. During my observation the male left and returned with a long stick to add to the nest. He then flew slightly south, dove for a fish and returned to the nest, where he apparently gave his catch to the female. Her side was partially obscured by a plastic bag flying around in the wind so it was hard to see. Still, her behavior indicated that she might be incubating eggs. From my internet research the reproduction timeline is late but possible. I plan to check the next regularly over the summer.