Monday, February 25, 2019

Windy West Island Sanctuary

The ducks couldn't have picked a better spot to get the heck out of the wind.

On this very blustery and nerve-wracking day as I had to wear a hardhat, I found something special after lunch. A tight flock of RING NECKED DUCKS accompanied by a drake Bufflehead.. Until I looked closer at one of the "Ring necked' drakes and upon closer scrutiny, saw it was instead a drake LESSER SCAUP.  Getting to the other side, I saw the Scaup  much closer before it noticed me and waded away fast as the wind!

The West Island cove was pretty duck diversified. Besides the Shovelers,Ruddy and Mallards, a hen American Wigeon also surfaced. In that little cove, that's seven duck species,thanks to the wind .. None of the ducks were out on the open water, marked by whitecaps and mini waves with the lake so turbulent. Only those crazy gulls don't care...