For several days now, a pair of RING-NECKED DUCKS have been hanging around in the Upper Pool..
It may not mean anything but seeing a pair of Ringneckeds staying for several days might mean they like it here. Whether they do their "thing" and nest , that's up in the air.I'm not optimistic nor excited about the prospect but anything is possible as long as the Upper Pool is undisturbed and quiet. On my lunch hour, i saw the pair at the back shore in the water snag area.
My objective also in the Upper Pool woods was to look for any Pine Warblers. Yesterdays ten apparently all left, obviously in a rush for their breeding grounds. Time matters. All I got is seeing an EASTERN PHOEBE at the Lower Pool water snag.
A single Ring-necked Duck was reported at Greenwood Cemetery Sylvan Water. Otherwise it's all quiet today.