Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kickstart the new season :above expectations

The first major push of the fall passeriene season kicked off today with quaility birds in a few parks and greenspots.A good northwest wind produced rarity finds of early Connecticut Warbler,Mourning warbler, Golden-winged warbler, Yellow bellied Flycather, Black-billed Cuckoo and a very good list of warblers. ***************** Prospect Park was the beneficiary of the good finds. The Conencticut warbler popped up into view atop the Lefrak Rink roof where Tripper Paul spotted it. Tripper earlier had a lucky day with a previous Oporornis species Mourning Warbler along Nellies Lawn edge near the Vale Cashmere south entrance. But likely the toughest find regarding a warbler is Golden-winged. Karen Ohearn found this bird among a mix of warblers at the western edge of the Butterfly Meadow, low down in midstory ;later other birders found the Golden winged but higher up along the dirt trail that runs up to the Lookout Hill summit. Blue winged warbler later appeared along the same western edge of Butterfly Meadow. ****************** Other great finds in Prospect occurred. Black-billed Cuckoo was seen flying across the Butterfly Meadow.A reported Cerulean Warbler at the Rink (with little certification to the actual location) was detailed on Ebird rarity alert. ******************* Meanwhile Greenwood Cometery has its own good offerings. Most notably, two Mourning Warblers were reported and seen well at The Chapel hillside grasses, and the Dellwater northern edge. A Hooded Warbler found by Rob Jett lurked along the southern ridge of Sylvan Water. Rob also found Worm-eating warbler at Pine Hill,and Blue-winged Warbler, one of 15 warbler species on his GWC list. Yellow-bellied Flycather, a gorgeous small bird put in an appearance at the Crescent Water .Early Hermit Thrush and Yellow Rumped Warbler portends an early trend of a number of species this fall. ************** At Brooklyn Bridge Park, a tearsured gem for its new lush habitat, Yellow Bellied Flycather was observed at pier 3 , in low brush. So today was a day with above expectations, with a strong migration push of birds. Its always different with each northwest wind but being out there to enjoy the magic is what its all about. ************** There should be a decent Common Niighthawk migration tonight at dusk. Find an open green spot and enjoy. ************** PP Checklist sample lists