When I was a child living in the Wallabout neighborhood of Brooklyn, my mother would come fetch me whenever she heard the Blue Jay in our backyard. You may not think its a big deal, but for me it was a big thing ,living in the shadows of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway.
I would run to the window and watch our bright blue crested friend. It was noisy,yes,but it had charisma. We didn't get any variety of birds at all.So my Blue Jays was compelling theater.
Fast forward five decades and here I am,mesmerized again by three rambunctious Blue Jays duking it out at the platform feeder. One would come trying to claim monopoly this feeder. A second jay flies in and an agresssive display of outstretched wing and feathers means turf war. But peace ensued and I was treated to a sight of three Blue Jays together on the platform feeder. But threes a crowd and one has to go! You just got to love the Blue jay because they enliven the scene.
Over the course of the day after three Feeder visits,you see other things and get rewarded. Seven Purple Finches for example; all females but hey that's cool.And on my last visit I see a reddish brown bird and was greatly surprised to see a Carolina Wren.It hopped to different feeders wondering what to eat. I was wondering that myself.
Patience is a virtue. And a reminder that birds are-- especially at full feeders -- the gifts that keep on coming.
Happy Thanksgiving All. 🦃