Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Its great to have kind friends...

In my capacity as Landscape field staff for the PPA, my busy schedule precludes me from having much time to grab just a few minutes.So the opportunity arose for me to get the Least Bittern of Lullwater.

A timely tweet from Kathy Toomey at the tail end of my lunch hour relaying Irene Goldstein's tweet  got me thinking: I could get this bird on my way back from my home I go for lunch ( its free).

So starting the truck near Greenwood ave, I'm on my way. Turning into breeze hill, I stopped at the bird feeders trail. I was hoping to find birders and sure enough they were there. Among them Jeremy Nadel,Hugh Sansom , Joe and a few other familiar faces. Jeremy pointed out where the bittern was but unfortunately I was having trouble pinpointing it in my bins with the heron's small size among foliage above water against shimmering sun glare .After much consternation trying to find it, Jeremy says we can get closer.

Thru the broken fence ( I can)
stopping at the shoreline, Jeremy tries again instructing where the bittern was ,even taking a photo to aid my effort. " Its left of the yellow leaves ,about a foot above the wood ducks" ,he says.30 seconds later, I got my nemesis bird;and I leave a happy man.

So.. Thanks to friends like Jeremy who take the time and patience to get me a great bird.


Ps. The bittern was along the shore on the south side of the Lull water cove mouth,In low overhanging tree branches.

"It is the glistening autumnal side of summer. I feel a cool vein in the breeze, which braces my thought, and I pass with pleasure over sheltered and sunny portions of the sand where the summer's heat is undiminished, and I realize what a friend I am losing." – Henry David Thoreau