Sunday, October 9, 2022

Sundays cemetery gems

Greenwood cemetery had the good day compared to Prospect with several great birds. Its best when theres not many people around on this crisp sunny day.

For beginners, a Yellow breasted chat is a good one. This reclusive species was spotted by the Grassy Path near Meadow Ave, hiding  in an Euonymous bush.

Following up the chat,  a Blue Grosbeak surfaced on the Cemetery's west border, on Maple Ave just before Spruce Ave. Another Blue Grosbeak showed  in the Dellwater where also Purple Finch male hung look out. The aeeds inside the dellwater is laden with Gold finches and a birder mentioned seeing Wilsons warbler.

Very close by adjacent to the Tunnel at 4th/ 36th st entrance, an Eastern Meadow lark appeared.

Prospect had its own rarity, a Clay colored Sparrow. One was found on the Ball fields at field 2 and 3 along the chain link fence. Add Eastern Bluebird, two birds seen here as well using the fence as a perch.

"It is the glistening autumnal side of summer. I feel a cool vein in the breeze, which braces my thought, and I pass with pleasure over sheltered and sunny portions of the sand where the summer's heat is undiminished, and I realize what a friend I am losing." – Henry David Thoreau