Saturday, December 16, 2023

Today's CBC short news

Today's kings County Christmas count had a very good number of 136 species.

Prospect had 57 species at orange crowned Warbler and red shouldered hawk the top birds;neighboring Greenwood cemetery despite having only 42 species boasted 6 saves including a very late black throated green warbler.

I should be getting the numbers maybe early next week from the compiler.

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The Brooklyn Christmas Bird Count happened today and unofficially set a record species count of 135! Highlights are as followed:

-THREE separate Ash-Throated Flycatchers

-First Wild Turkey on the count

-Black-throated Green Warbler

-Short-eared Owl

-Lark Sparrow

-About a dozen Orange-crowned Warblers (record high)

-Unknown flock of dowitchers

-Virginia and Clapper Rails

Misses on the count included Tufted Titmouse (first ever I believe) and Brown-headed Cowbird. Gulling also was worse this year due to the warm weather. Thanks for everyone who participated!


"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." -- William Blake, artist,author