Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hot action at Lower Pool

Trying my luck again for the
elusive Virginia Rail of Lower pool, after my work shift ended at 4, I kept my fingers crossed. Instead -- as always you wind up with something else just as good.

After some patient waiting at the lower pool west fence, a birder mentioned where the Summer Tanager was. With the rail a noshow, why not? Go get the tanager. Its a beautiful --I heard -- adult gorgeous red bird. So around the upper pool I go and arriving back of the upper pool I bumped into Hooded warbler domain. A helpful birder with his kid in a stroller, called The Hooded out. It proceeded to cross the path to the slope side where great looks succeeded. But enough! I gotta get the tanager!

And sure enough with help from a birder and Caleb, the bright red Summer Tanager shone from a large Linden tree inside the high fence woods just south of the Esdale bridge. I of course tweeted on WhatApp.

I ran into Ed on his bike in the Nethermead. He was pursuing the tanager as well. He succeeded finding it and provided significant details in case others chase it.Apparently Ed observed the tanager entering a big knot in a London Plane tree that harbored bees.( or wasps). The tanager was beesy as a bee , smacking on his snacks.

The Virginia rail I gathered later was reported today along the lower pool west shore but hard to see or hiding out somewhere out of sight.Its too noisy.

Next time.

"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." -- William Blake, artist,author