Monday, April 15, 2024

Prospects islands hot zones lead the pack

Monday was a good day for island exploration as two rarities chose both Duck and West island for their stage. Plus as usual, the past weeks good birds continue their showmanship.

We begin with Duck island in Prospect Lakes southeast corner. An American Bittern alighted there high up this afternoon perched in the tree on the islands interior. It stayed as reported thru the late afternoon.Seeing was hard but birders adjusted their visual lines from a good spot.

Going west to Prospect lakes southwest corner and west Island where the Prothonotary Warbler made its abode. I got word coming from home Maureen who mentioned bit to me. Of course I went to check without binoculars left at my office. But Tripper Paul came to my rescue lending me his and thanks to him I was able to see the golden bird; Such a beauty!

The astounding long time presence of the Breeze Hill Rufous Hummingbird is now a great looker no doubt with its plumage. The bird was seen upslope though, perched on Honeysuckle bush near where the feeder hung: Not an easy task with its skittishness.

Lower Pool continues to harbor 2 Blue winged teal.

Other nice prospect birds are blue headed vireo, brown thrasher,field sparrow in the Sparrowbowl, and warblers Louisiana Waterthrush,palm and pine, 10 reported for each of the latter two.Even a Common loon flew over

Meanwhile over at Greenwood Cemetery, the Blue Grosbeaks provided the show. Both birds stayed put generally,the male adult in the Sylvan Water north slope area and the immature in Cedar Dell. Joining in ,a Summer Tanager was spotted just west of Horace Greeley Grave by Sylvan Ave on the high ground,before flying off westward.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism