Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fwd: Long walk in Prospect

-----Original Message-----
From: matthewwill
To: prosbird
Sent: Wed, May 7, 2014 12:08 pm
Subject: Long walk in Prospecti

59 species total today; but very modest on the warbler count, 10, none to write home about beyond just the mere fact of their loveliness. Highlights included male RT Hummingbird in the Vale; the male Bobolink in the Peninsula Meadow; both sps. orioles; Rose-breasted Grosbeak female; Scarlet Tanagers; minimum of four Wood Thrushes; the one Swainson's in Peninsula woods we discussed; male & female Towhees; two if not three Green Herons in the Lullwater; two Warbling Vireos on Peninsula, perhaps a pair? 

FYI: I saw a tweet from a Boreum Hill resident who photographed a Nashville in his/her backyard. 

I should have a few photos posted tomorrow. 

Backyard & Beyond