Friday, May 5, 2023

The prelude

In the prelude of what could be the breakout birding weekend, Friday offered some delights, quality birds in the region.

Historic Fort Greene Park --not always mentioned due to its small size-- does attract quality birds. Today at the high ground near the Martyrs monument, Blue Grosbeak and Summer Tanager made the grade.

Back home in Prospect, good warblers are the main draw.Yellow throated warbler moved along to the Boulder Bridge high in the tree canopy. Farther north in the vicinity of Payne Hill past the closed off stairs, the Kentucky Warbler sang.And there is the Wormeating, making rounds at Lookout hills Butterfly Meadow; it was spotted at the dirt track leading up to the summit.

For sandpiper enthusiasts, both Solitary and Spotted continue, the former in the Vale Cashmere pool.

Gray cheeked thrush and Orchard Orioles might be other pursuits.

The ANHINGA remarkably sticks around after almost two weeks now, still favoring the comfort of Three Sisters Islands.

Good birding hopefully to you this weekend.