Monday, May 1, 2023

After the deluge, a Kentucky bird and more stuff

The weekend's deluge bought in some good stragglers into out area Monday. Even though didn't predict favorable conditions, If you have the time ,patience and luck, you are bound to see something.

And a lucky birder was Michelle T who spotted a Kentucky Warbler. Along the path just south of Falkill falls at the road fork where there is a boulder, Michelle spotted the Kentucky on the slope rising up from Upper Pool. It appears this bird favors this area next to the second falls on the south side even though it flew to the other side of the path. At the latest report, it went back to the shoreline at the waterfall base into Upper Pool.

To the Vale Cashmere, Ed C reported Worm eating warbler, another beaut if you like subtle creamy hues. Ed reported scattered number of warbler near the Maryland Monument woods of American redstart,Nashville and chestnut sided. How much I like to get one of them on free time if I had it.

For blueish birds , both Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting appeared together at Greenwood Cemetery Dellwater, atop an elm tree.

 A red bird too ? Well go to Fort Greene Park where Summer Tanager showed up.

With all this rain, flooding built up in meadow depressions. And that attract the likes of Solitary Sandpiper seen today at the Nethermead west section pool.

And if you like a good Sparrow, Orrin T found a white crowned at Greenwood's crypts at Crescent Water

And lastly, if you still want to see the famous ANHINGA, she's still here, hiding out on low branches of Three Sisters northwest corner. Kathy T reported from the Peninsula thumb.