Monday, July 31, 2023

Greenwood gets started...

Monday Greenwood Cemetery gets a heads up on an early fall migration with several species already on the move. Some are early I think. These follow a mysterious small Flycatcher that may be Mexican / central American originated.

First an Olive sided Flycatcher was reported on Cypress Ave between Grape and Vine Avenues. The same observer also watches earlier a flyover juvenile Red shouldered Hawk which I know is early , typically a late September ,October species.

A few warblers plus a Scarlet Tanager hit the spot as well.Ovenbird and a Louisiana Waterthrush ,the latter at Dellwater , were seen

Now that mysterious Flycatcher: on Sunday Michael Silber thought his sighting Least Flycatcher was good to report to Ebird. However , moderator thought otherwise suggesting an Elaenia genus based on Silber's photos. The bird was not seen today. If in the event it does reappear, you'll know it here or there on the twiiter tweet universe.

"Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance." -Yoko Ono