Wednesday, November 29, 2023

JbWr alert

From Russ Comeau:
Posting with Admin permission:
This Saturday, 12/2/23 from 11AM to 2PM, the National Park Service is holding an open house at the JBWR Visitor Center. At this drop-in event, NPS is seeking public input on specific resource and visitor management issues in two areas of the Refuge: the East Pond and the North & South Garden areas. We're lucky that NPS is open to input from the birding community, and I'm sure NPS will appreciate all input that you can provide for the benefit of the urban wildlife, the condition and upkeep of the habitat, and wildlife viewing there. More information on the event is available here:
On a related note, this Thursday evening, 11/30/23 at 6:30PM, the Jamaica Bay Task Force is holding its Annual Fall Zoom meeting. There will be several interesting presentations about environmental projects going on around Jamaica Bay. You can check out the agenda and get the Zoom link to attend at:
Thank you for caring about our beloved Jamaica Bay and its urban wildlife.
Russ Comeau, President  
South Shore Audubon Society
"November. Crows are approaching, wounded leaves fall to the ground." Sir Kristian Goldman Aumann