Monday, September 30, 2024

Fwd: BBC field trip report: Governors Island on September 28

Led by Ryan G

"Autumn…the year's last, loveliest smile." ~ William Cullen Bryant


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ryan Goldberg <>
Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2024, 10:57 AM
Subject: BBC field trip report: Governors Island on September 28
To: Peter Dorosh <>

Hi Peter,

The trip I led to Governors Island on Saturday was the fourth one I've led there now, and each visit has been outstanding. Fall is an especially good time because of the meadow around Fort Jay, a bunch of overgrown lots around the old buildings, and the native plantings at the south end of the island -- even on a gray, rainy day they were sparrow and warbler magnets. Even the old officers' houses of Nolan Park have lots of wildflowers planted around them. 

So birds can pop up anywhere, and they did. Our highlights were a group of four Bobolinks around Fort Jay that were very vocal and offered exceptional views; a Marsh Wren that popped up in a bush there (we took time to rule out Sedge Wren); and a Dickcissel on a fence at the south end of the glamping area. We had 55 species, which was excellent for a day with crappy weather and ENE winds. Thank you to the 10 birders who were game for yet another adventure to this beautiful island.

Here is the checklist from the day, with photos from some in the group:

Until next time!