Friday, January 4, 2013

Eastern Bluebird and American Tree Sparrow records

As promised in yesterdays report to search the records, Eastern Bluebird seen of late is the latest ever for Prospect Park.

The latest ever  was 12/7/1964 seen by Olney Raymond.

The earliest was 1/28/2001 seen by Bernie Brennan, quite a legendary Brooklyn birder as well.

Those are the only two sightings ever for December or January ( no sightings in February)


For American Tree Sparrow, the highest total for a single day in December or January ( winter months) was 7 on 1/24/1958  Olney Raymond followed by 6  occurring 12/28/1999 in the Ravine ( Rob Jett)

The highest all time happened  3/13/1999  , 20 birds on the Nethermead ( PDorosh, Marie Dooling, Steve Nanz) followed by 19 seen 9/25/1967 , reported by Olney Raymond.
