Misses unfortunately for the group were other continuing great birds seen by independent birders of COMMON REDPOLL, SNOW GOOSE,and the ever expanding YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT.
COMMON REDPOLLS in singles or twos were reported at the Nethermead Arches sweetgum ( Steve and Heidi Nanz, Mary Eyster), these bird high up, 7 in the Ambergill with WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLs by Keir Randall, with low level looks, and a report from Peter Colen , with Monica Berger of two Redpolls seen on the ice or in the sweetgum in the Vale of Cashmere .
The SNOW GOOSE was seen in the mid afternoon between the Three Sisters Islands and Duck Island, very close to the layover COMMON MERGANSER in the overcrowded with waterfowl Lake , surrounded by 402 CANADA GEESE and abundant gulls resting on the ice ( no rarities) . Speaking of the Lake, a RING-NECKED DUCK drake is now present in the northwest sector .And yes, three merganser species today makes it a delight.
Last , regarding the elusive YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, Keir Randall spotted the warbler behind the Well Drive green shipping containers , just north of the picnic tables, in the slope scrub. This new site makes it harder to pin down this adventurous bird, making it frustrating for birders to focus on one particular spot as the Chat did over a month ago on Breeze Hill. We just have to walk more. A note to mention: a COOPER's HAWK reigns over the area, seen perched southwest of the Maryland Monument , and later flying over the Well house for another perch ; Oops, not good for a bright yellow Chat.We have to keep our fingers crossed.
From Dennis Hreshowsik, report from his BBC walk
18 birders met on an overcast morning that gave way to a beautiful sunny afternoon. highlights were ww x-bills in the midwood spotted by kevin, ring neck duck spotted by mike yuan and the continuing common merganser on prospect lake for a pp merganser sweep. we were also treated to a show of aerial acrobatics as a peregrine falcon hunted the flock of gulls huddled on the frozen lake. other notables were swamp sparrows on look out chip trail, hermit thrush where nethermead meets base of lookout and a late day turkey vulture fly over at nelly's lawn. thanks to all for a great day of birding.
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Jan 6, 2013 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: BBC walk
52 species
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Ring-necked Duck X
Bufflehead X
Hooded Merganser X
Common Merganser 1 continues on prospect lake
Red-breasted Merganser X
Ruddy Duck X
Pied-billed Grebe X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron X
Turkey Vulture 1 Flyover, Nelly's lawn. white trailing edge of wing, red head and wobbly flight clearly visible
Sharp-shinned Hawk X
Red-shouldered Hawk X Flyover Lookout Hill south
Cooper's Hawk X
Red-tailed Hawk X
American Coot X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Hairy Woodpecker X
Peregrine Falcon X
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Brown Creeper X
Winter Wren X
Carolina Wren X
Hermit Thrush X
American Robin X
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee X
Fox Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
House Finch X
White-winged Crossbill 12 feeding on the sweet gum in the midwood near battle pass
Pine Siskin X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
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From Keir:
(Note , click on the blue color links for pics)
Yellow-breasted Chat, Prospect Park 1/6/13
![]() |
Yellow-breasted Chat, photo taken by Keir Randall |
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Jan 6, 2013 11:37 AM - 3:32 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: <br />Submitted from BirdLog NA for iOS, version 1.5.1
38 species
American Black Duck 6
Mallard 39
Northern Shoveler 26
Ring-necked Duck 1 Drake on lake near L249
Bufflehead 1
Hooded Merganser 15
Common Merganser 1 Hen continues on lake, peninsula side.
Ruddy Duck 38
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Red-tailed Hawk 3
American Coot 13
Ring-billed Gull 400
Herring Gull 12
Rock Pigeon 9
Mourning Dove 24
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 4
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 16
Tufted Titmouse 6
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
Winter Wren 1
Carolina Wren 1
American Robin 4
European Starling 6
Yellow-breasted Chat 1 In scrub on Lookout Hill east slope, behind green containers on Center Drive.
href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/22689183@N00/8355814710/" title="Yellow-breasted Chat, Prospect Park 1/6/13 by keir randall, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8056/8355814710_4ded3a7592.jpg" alt="Yellow-breasted Chat, Prospect Park 1/6/13">
Song Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 2
White-throated Sparrow 8
Northern Cardinal 5
Red-winged Blackbird 2
House Finch 16
White-winged Crossbill 12 Feeding in sweetgums above Ambergill, some coming down to drink.
href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/22689183@N00/8354803485/" title="White-winged Crossbill, Prospect Park 1/6/13 by keir randall, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8235/8354803485_f43e2c8028.jpg" alt="White-winged Crossbill, Prospect Park 1/6/13">Common Redpoll 7-- 1 seen drinking from Ambergill then as I was leaving the area I heard a loud 'churr' call and found 7 feeding in a sweetgum on the north slope of the Ambergill.
href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/22689183@N00/8354801879/" title="Common Redpolls, Prospect Park 1/6/13 by keir randall, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8332/8354801879_e696242a83.jpg" alt="Common Redpolls, Prospect Park 1/6/13">Pine Siskin 4
American Goldfinch 8
House Sparrow 18
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Peter's list
Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, US-NY
Jan 6, 2013 2:14 AM - 2:49 AM
Protocol: Stationary
17 species (+1 other taxa)
Snow Goose 1
Canada Goose 402
Mute Swan 7
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
Northern Shoveler X
Ring-necked Duck 1
Bufflehead 2
Hooded Merganser 17
Common Merganser 1
Ruddy Duck X
Pied-billed Grebe 1
Great Blue Heron 1
Cooper's Hawk 1 along Well Drive
Ring-billed Gull 1200
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull 9
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S12521653
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