Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturdays sightings

Prospect Park enjoyed a gorgeous day late morning with several good sightings. 

The Rufous Hummingbird continues its impressive run at the bottom of Breeze Hill . look for the feeder at the hairpin path turn where it's hanging out on that south slope.

Two Common Mergansers grace Prospect Lake ,a mixed pair. I was fortunate seeing the beautiful drake near Wes Island where I also was lucky seeing a drake Ring necked Duck and a wood duck pair ,both hopping up on the stone edge.

Bald eagle continue their flyovers,one seen today.

The Orange crowned Warbler also impresses with its very long stay at Lefrak Rink environs.

Pretty soon,stuff will come thru as March beckons, my having seen Ruby crowned kinglet at Well Drive picnic tables site.

On a side note,the Iceland Gull continues at Bush Terminal pier park today.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism