Thursday, April 18, 2024

HIGHlight at Boulder Bridge

No doubt the highlight of the Prospect Day was an American Bittern at Boulder Bridge along with a few other good birds.

Like a ball of feather way up in a London Plane ( that I identified from Marisa's photo) an American Bittern was wondering how it was way up there? Well,anything's possible and birders including Tom's walk group and Kendall who found it had a delight.

Maureen M. texted me later to say along with the Bittern ,she saw a gorgeous male Hooded Warbler also at Boulder Bridge. ( wishes o was there). But before that text she alerted me that the Prothonotary Warbler was at the southeast side of the Peninsula.

It shows you even in cold dreary wet weather, birds are still coming through

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism