In resolving the open vacuum up there and absence of crucial bird favored trees, President Rob Bate and birdathon coordinator Bobbi Manian did a terrific job organizing the teams effort and supporting a wonderful cause. Become a member and help support BBC and conservation in Brooklyn.
Memo from President Rob Bate to the BBC membership and birdathon supporters
Thank you one and all!

Dear friends and members of the Brooklyn Bird Club,
The final results are in for the Birdathon fundraising effort on behalf of the Lookout Hill Tree Project to replace Pin Oaks and other habitat destroyed by last year’s Superstorm Sandy. Together, all the teams and independent donors raised $8,563.50! This is a fantastic result and will allow us to fully restore the Pin Oaks lost around the Butterfly Meadow on Lookout Hill during the storm. Our original target was considerably more modest, so thank you everyone for your generosity.
There will be three Pin Oaks planted near the perimeter of the meadow. These trees will be what are called mature trees; not full grown in the sense of being anything like the old trees that fell, but are as large as is practically possible to transport and plant - 25 feet tall with a large root ball. The trees are fully guaranteed for five years and will be replaced at no additional cost if any of them should fail for any reason. Additionally, two smaller understory trees will be planted at the edge of the meadow and will most likely be Pagoda (or Alternate Leaf) Dogwoods.
Additionally the Natural Resources Department has offered our club an opportunity to participate in the continued maintenance of the Butterfly Meadow to help with the control of Mugwort and other invasive species so as to allow the native plant species a chance to flourish. The Brooklyn Bird Club is continuing a tradition of caring for the habitat in and around Butterfly Meadow. Former president, John Yrizarry, was largely responsible for the establishment of that area as a meadow about 20 years ago, and the BBC raised money during Peter Dorosh’s tenure to plant a few of the White Pine trees at the north end of the meadow that make up Arleen’s Grove, dedicated to the memory of Arleen O’Brien beloved naturalist for Prospect Park’s Audubon Center.
The tree planting will take place in the fall, evidently the best time of year for trees of this type. We’d like to arrange a little ceremony up at Butterfly Meadow once the trees are in the ground and all will be invited once we know the time.
Thanks once again and congratulations to all,
Robert Bate
President – Brooklyn Bird Club
Bobbi Manian
Birdathon Coordinator
Review species list