Prospect Lake isn't exactly a haunted place but its currently haunted by 6 species of ducks and one snoopy ( for you Peanuts fans) FALCON. Topping the hi light of 9 RING NECKED DUCKS, 2 GADWALL, 52 RUDDY DUCKS, 6 NORTHERN SHOVELER, & 2 PIED BILLED GREBE, a PEREGRINE FALCON swooped down, chased by Herring Gulls, making several circles over the Lake. The falcon then headed over the Wellhouse, circled back and climbed higher over the Peninsula meadow.Guess the place was too spooky. But likley as expected the better place to be is the Cemetery, that's Greenwood where 5 AMERICAN WOODCOCKS were reported by Orrin T.

From Orrin :
Green-Wood Cemetery this morning. Movie shoot with lots of cars and a south wind combined for sub-ideal bird viewing but still a fair number of species in the hour I had. Highlight was the five (5) woodcocks I managed to flush without getting a picture of, or good look at, any of them.
Blue jay
Monk parakeet
Red-bellied woodpecker
Mourning dove
Eastern phoebe (3)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (several)
Coopers hawk
Song sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Golden-crowned kinglet
Dark-eyed junco (many)
Chipping sparrow
House finch
House sparrow
Northern cardinal
Ruddy duck (11 on Sylvan Water)
Northern flicker
Wood duck (1 on Sylvan Water)