Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fwd: Ridgewood Reservoir and Bushwick today

-----Original Message-----
From: deartinsleyperky@
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Fri, Apr 11, 2014 8:14 pm
Subject: Ridgewood Reservoir and Bushwick today

Hi Peter, The redheaded ducks at Ridgewood Reservoir appear to have moved on but remaining are two hooded mergansers (hens) and about 8 ringnecked ducks (see attached photo, NSFW). The ringnecks seem to be settling in and were drifting in and out of the phragmites. Could they be nesting?

Also much more surprising to see a disorganized flock of about 24 fish crows with maybe 6 stragglers flying over Bushwick (Morgan and Johnson Ave, near the terminus of English Kills) about 7pm Friday evening heading SSW. They were pretty high up but so noisy they were hard to miss with their loud, distinctive "ca". Alas, I had headed off without my camera.
