Birding at times is ironic. I posted a statement at the end of my post yesterday I believed saying be on watch for southern flyovers with the current warm spell. And that prophecy held true since besides mentioning to a few birders in the field yesterday and this morning, I was hoping it would be the YELLOW THROATED WARBLER. The other irony was who found it first and how it became news quickly. So thanks to Dave Heerwagen ,a birder I known for years but see so rarely nowadays for this Manhattan resident and difficult for him with terrible vision was able to see this bird and tell it to Sandy Paci who pursued the report through.Otherwise, Dave who isn't Internet or cellphone connected mentioned to bird-savvy and wireless well connected Sandy to get the word out fast ( of course, me the "prophetic blogassimilator" via Twitter).
And so, behind the Lower Pool due south of the Tennis house, one of twin pools,the other called Upper was the scene for a flash mob of birders enjoying the wonderful spectre of a high up YELLOW THROATED WARBLER. Subsequent reports sent to me I posted quickly with updates ; unfortunately I was on a family outing in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden at the time,enjoying the explosive Daffodil field and dazzling Magnolia plaza ...
The YTWA stayed abit at that location ,moving towards the Upper Pool ,mostly at the isthmus oaks. After 3 pm when I finally ventured over there,reports were negative. As the old candy bar commercial says,"sometimes you get the nut,sometimes you don't" Here's hoping it stays overnite.
So, I am happy for Dave Heerwagen getting the very rare limelight and thankful he mentioned it to Sandy.Great teamwork goes a long way and birders should be appreciative of the lesser known birders getting the rare bird. Its good for birding to see everyone pitching in.
See the previous posts below for photos.
Good birding,