My status as a "bird prophet " is looking better each day...
The second southern US species ( not native to these parts ) appeared on the current southern warm flow, a SWALLOW TAILED KITE that flew over the Lullwater at 9 am , observed by Jennifer Plummer Kepler, who took a photo of the species. A beautiful bird , very diagnostic and a perfect gliding smooth flying bird that marks this species. An awesome find for the park. See Jennifer's photo in the link she provide which is seen on the Brooklyn Bird Club Facebook where it was initially posted. Jennifer is a new name to have seen a rarity or ultra rarity of recent great finds. ( as I mentioned this morning just an hour before this kite appeared) who will be the next lucky obscure birder to find the next great bird. So, Congrats to Jennifer.(and thanks too to Gus Keri who relayed word to Rob Bate and mentioned to Jennifer contact me or the BBC ..hence BBC facebook was contacted)
The other big news is the reappearance of the YELLOW THROATED WARBLER at the same location as yesterday behind the Pools (mainly Upper). This time the bird cooperated for a multitude of birders seeing it low , even on the ground as I witnessed it . Thanks to Shane Blodgett for today's first report. When I saw it, it was in the Sweetgum tree just over the Upper Pool back view; then a short while later, it flew across the path to the back slope woods. Its been seen well and low for most of the afternoon.
A new first of season warbler , PRAIRIE WARBLER was spotted by Ed Crowne along the Falkills Falls path , just south of the falls, on the downslope to the right if one heads for the Nethermead.Its been up high in the beech trees , and low earlier.
The other report , over at Greenwood Cemetery where Doug Gochfeld been skywatching , reported BROADWINGED HAWK and 2 COMMON RAVENS.
So, Prospect looking very good lately...A terrific day for the park. So, does anyone want me to predict your future ?