Saturday, April 12, 2014

Warm day,things moveout,things move in

This first good warm spell incited birds that were here to move on,whereas some new birds moved in.The morning was evident with yesterdays (this week) species moving on; but despite a quiet day, a few nice birds to enjoy, even the common ones in nice views.

While I was atop the Three Arches bridge, a spectacular looking BLUE GRAY GNATCATCHER really got my attention.At eye level views, the gorgeous blue and aqua color on the male bird flying all over the spot, from birch to Hawthorne,is something to truly enjoy.Every bird matters, has a story to tell, not just the rare ones.

Then a new season  species get attention as well. Dennis' report of WHITE EYED VIREO at the Binnen Bridge stayed alive an hour later as the vireo reappeared for me ,Rob Bate and Jerryy Layton. This vireo was quite awesome looking as well, bright yellow, particularly its spectacles and wing bars. It worked along the Lily Pool shore on the right side if you looked from the Binnen Bridge.

This early morning old news is still good news. While I was counting the RUDDY DUCKS by West Island, what's sailing thru the flock is the remaining RED NECKED GREBE; it appears the throat getting redder despite the sunrise back light for me.

These sighting assuage the lack of or lesser numbers of Louisiana Water thrush,Worm eating Warbler and Rusty Blackbird reports of yesterday..Not unexpected,its migration: things move out,things come in...

With this three day warm spell, be on the lookout for southern species overflight, those rare species that might pop up on the radar. You just have to get out there..I though will just wait for the precious "tweet".


 Peters List
 Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY Apr 12, 2014 8:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling 2.5 mile(s) 35 species

 Canada Goose X
 Mute Swan X
 Wood Duck 2 Amber gill pool,mix pair
 Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 3 Lake
 Hooded Merganser 2 Hens Lake
 Red-breasted Merganser 1 Hen, lake
 Ruddy Duck 59 Lake
  Red-necked Grebe 1 lake
 American Coot 5
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 Lookout Hill,Lullwater
 Downy Woodpecker 3
 Hairy Woodpecker 1 Lookout hill
 Northern Flicker 4
 Eastern Phoebe 1
 Blue Jay 3
 Black-capped Chickadee 1 Ravine
 Carolina Wren 1 Butterfly meadow, went inside a tree cavity
 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2 Nethermead br; lookout hill
 Golden-crowned Kinglet 5
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
 Hermit Thrush 4
 American Robin X
 European Starling X
 Palm Warbler 1 MD mont
 Pine Warbler 1 Female MD mont
 Eastern Towhee 1 Male Ricks Pl
 Song Sparrow 2
 White-throated Sparrow 5
Dark-eyed Junco 5
 Northern Cardinal 3
 Red-winged Blackbird 1
 Common Grackle 2
 Brown-headed Cowbird 3- 2 ricks pl
House Sparrow X 

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