Today ,in two different locales, I walked over 8 miles and burned 990 calories ( so says my cellphone pedometer). And among the slow day sightings,I mustered three new warbler species for the season. But those three let me stagger and work hard for my personal milestone 25th species. Therefore you could say I burned 330 calories for each bird. Tough work!
Greenwood Cemetery was my first start. Looking to see - based on a previous day tweet of Baybreasted warbler at Hazel Path. I instead settled on my first seasonal gorgeous looking Blackthroated Green in a big oak on Cypress Ave. This road is renown for the big oaks attractive to Warblers. ( Many oaks came down from the hurricanes). Then a long time gap for my next "new" Warbler.
After a dry spell at Dellwater and Sylvan Water I chanced my luck at the Cliff Path that overlooks Sylvans west. Waiting patiently I spotted movement in a sycamore tree. A quick look revealed a white cheeked warbler and Blackpoll warbler is in the bag! 24 and just one more to cap my yearly milestone.
Fast forward to Prospect and many more miles to go;With the Peninsula so quiet, I decided on birding the Vale. Late afternoon in my theory is good birding in north and western woods as the morning birds moved thru from southern Prospect Park. Stationed at the north end of the Vale Cashmere with its precious water, I got lucky spotting movement in the big leafy Horse chestnut tree. Just enough to confirm I achieved my 25th warbler year species with Canada Warbler. After the initial spot it became hard trying to see the necklaced warbler. Some birders near me called out saying the Canada was out in the open but tried I could the big leaves blocked my view for an extended look.. But what the heck,I got enough of it!
In other news, Prospect saw a big push of Bay breasted Warblers saturday. According to an acquaintance good birder, at least ten were seen today. One was in the same horse Chestnut as the Canada ; unfortunately instead of being a typical midstory bird it decided to act like a canopy bird,out of sight for me.
Rarity still abound in prospect. In the "hot" Vale Cashmere, MOURNING and ORANGE CROWNED WARBLERS were reported . If you still need PROTHONOTARY WARBLERS , one was reported by Rob Bate, in the phragmite Marsh on the Peninsula across from the Wellhouse; likely the same bird also found by Rob happened to be in the Lullwater before moving up towards Breeze Hill.
For non Warblers, more good stuff. A Common Nighthawk sat on a limb at the top of the Maryland Monument stairs thanks to Ed Crowne's spotting. Ed came thru again with Olive sided Flycatcher perched on a dead snag 150 feet north of Rick's Place, in Payne Hill. Purple Finch in the Vale and Pine Siskins in the Wellhouse area continues.
Warblers as like Tennessee are coming thru as well. A reported Acadian Flycatcher also may interest birders though both bird locations are unknown.
Good boiding to you for Sunday.