Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Prospect Lake is hot !

This morning lake sightings is tremendous given the right time now for passing waterfowl migrants. You have to be lucky to have the time. Here are the reports below

First for uncommon species, a Red throated loon was spotted at the south part , spotted by Zohara. See her checklist in the previous post.

If you wanted to score a rare merganser trifecta, well today was it. A drake Red breasted Merganser showed up today joining a lone Common Merganser ( maybe more as I haven't seen all reports) and 8 Hooded Mergansers in the park.

Gulls still garner interest, as Lesser black backed Gull joined the Greater Black backed before flying off West.

" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan