From my previous post (above) , witnessed by Adam's account of the very large long fish the heron ate the whole thing has been identified as a Chain Pickerel. How it got there in the Lower Pool is puzzling unless it was stocked there years ago.
Birder Jim Merwin who is an avid fisherman identified the fish species. Here's Jim's account:
From: James Merwin
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Thu, May 8, 2014 1:10 am
Subject: Chain Pickerel
Peter, On the BBC web page, there's a picture of a BCNH is the process of swallowing a fish.
Adam Welz, who wrote the email, asked for a identification of the fish: the fish appears to be a decent sized Chain Pickerel. I base this on form and color and environment. Chain Pickerel are common in weedy environments and are in the lake. I don't fish in Prospect Park; but I've caught Chain Pickerel elsewhere; and anglers in Prospect Park have told me that they are resident in the lake.
Incidentally, I recently saw a Chain Pickerel of about 10 to 12 inches while looking down into shallow, weedy water from the bridge by what I believe is called the Music Pagoda.
Incidentally, I recently saw a Chain Pickerel of about 10 to 12 inches while looking down into shallow, weedy water from the bridge by what I believe is called the Music Pagoda.
I'm emailing this to you in the hope that you can forward my email to Adam, as I don't know him and don't have his email address. Thanks. Jim
Thanks to Jim for confirming the species.
Thanks to Jim for confirming the species.