Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fwd: BBC Walk today

-----Original Message-----
To: Peter Dorosh ; Rob Bate
Cc: Dennis Hrehowsik ; Bobbi Manian
Sent: Thu, Oct 1, 2015 12:10 pm
Subject: BBC Walk today

Hi Peter,

Well, we had a very hardy group of birders today out braving the elements. Actually other than it being freezing cold with lots of wind it was a great fall day.

Although at first there weren't many birds as brave as the birders, eventually they came out in full force, and we ended up with 62 species. Possibly due to the wind and cold, birds were moving very fast so some of the sightings were too brief; but in the end, most birds provided multiple views.

Hot spots were Lookout and the Lullwater. Highlights include 19 species of warblers with Hooded twice (once by the upper pool, mostly just heard, and then displaying very well in the lullwater); 5 species of woodpeckers, 2 Raccoons, Veery, Wood, Swainson's and Gray-cheeked Thrushes; 2 kinglet species; Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting and Philadelphia Vireo.

Here's the list and a couple of rough photos.

Best regards,

Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Ruddy Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Phoebe
Blue-headed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Black-capped Chickadee
Winter Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Northern Parula
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Pine Warbler
Palm Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow