The afternoon hard charging cold wind harassed my walk home from work. Yet even with the lack of birds,there are moments to enjoy on this Groundhog day.
Among the large horde of Canada Geese on the ballfields,one stood out. Not anything rare,but a banded Canada. It had a yellow neck band designated "H064". I'll enter it soon.
After filling two of the feeders,6 NORTHERN CARDINALS appeared, winter's iconic birds I enjoy seeing.
Kathy Toomey mentioned seeing the Drake RED BREASTED MERGANSER on Prospect lake. After departing her at the feeders,I went to look. It turns out the Drake has a companion,a hen Red breasted. The pair was seen off the Peninsula thumb. Moments later both flew to the west section. An enjoyable sight to see but the cold high wind egged me on homeward.
Some hardy American Robins passed through along Well Drive,winter no problem for those nine birds.
I bet the PA. Groundhog was all cozy and warm in its burrow with the fireplace going. Maybe its even watching Bill Murray. After its prediction of six more weeks winter, why not?