Friday, September 1, 2017

Birdy morning in Prospect.

According to Ed Crowne when I asked him to rate the morning  migration  on a scale of 1-10, Ed said it was a "6". And as expected when a northwest wind blows, it was going to be birdy.Warbler highlights of BLACKBURNIAN, TENNESSEE, PRAIRIE, CAPE MAY, MOURNING AND HOODED marked a good morning for a number of birders.

Three Basswood ( American Linden ) trees in the Peninsula meadow near the Wellhouse held some of the fore mentioned warbler species except Mourning and Hooded. The last two were seen at Maryland Monument and Endale Arch , respectively. Also at Maryland Monument, in a dead snag behind the monument, a OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER was seen perched and hawking insects. Also at Midwood north in an Oak another OLIVE SIDED was reported.

Throughout the park, there were pockets of warbler flocks. COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, NORTHERN PARULA, CHESTNUT SIDED,NASHVILLE and AMERICAN REDSTARTS. Accompanying these warblers ,GREAT CRESTED, LEAST ,YELLOW-BELLIED, WILLOW FLYCATCHERS, & EASTERN PEWEE  joined in the party as well.

PHILADELPHIA VIREO put in a very brief appearance but didnt stick around at Maryland Monument. However a Philly Vireo was reported at Peninsula Point at 1:10 pm.

YELLOW BILLED CUCKOO is in as well.Black-billed cuckoo low in Pros Park ravine, flew toward Nethermead Arches bridge reported by Linda E.

I asked some birders to send me their lists as the numbers and sites are too much to report here. You know its birdy when tweets are more than usual you expect on really slow days. Remember : when its north wind the night before, go birding the next morning !

Ok Enuf writing this post!  Im heading out the door to get those boids!