Greenwinged Teal along western shore prosLake
This is the 7th duck species today on Prospect Lake.
happy haunting !
A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements,miscellany in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden & north half of Kings County, & Greenwood Cemetery.A service for Brooklyn birders and visitors. Also note: Conservation issues & miscellany posts.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Good duck treat prospect lake: 9 ringneck,2 gadwall,52 ruddy,6 shoveler,+2pied bill loch ness monster though :-(
Halloween greetings, treats galore
Prospect Lake isn't exactly a haunted place but its currently haunted by 6 species of ducks and one snoopy ( for you Peanuts fans) FALCON. Topping the hi light of 9 RING NECKED DUCKS, 2 GADWALL, 52 RUDDY DUCKS, 6 NORTHERN SHOVELER, & 2 PIED BILLED GREBE, a PEREGRINE FALCON swooped down, chased by Herring Gulls, making several circles over the Lake. The falcon then headed over the Wellhouse, circled back and climbed higher over the Peninsula meadow.Guess the place was too spooky. But likley as expected the better place to be is the Cemetery, that's Greenwood where 5 AMERICAN WOODCOCKS were reported by Orrin T.
From Orrin :
Green-Wood Cemetery this morning. Movie shoot with lots of cars and a south wind combined for sub-ideal bird viewing but still a fair number of species in the hour I had. Highlight was the five (5) woodcocks I managed to flush without getting a picture of, or good look at, any of them.
Blue jay
Monk parakeet
Red-bellied woodpecker
Mourning dove
Eastern phoebe (3)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (several)
Coopers hawk
Song sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Golden-crowned kinglet
Dark-eyed junco (many)
Chipping sparrow
House finch
House sparrow
Northern cardinal
Ruddy duck (11 on Sylvan Water)
Northern flicker
Wood duck (1 on Sylvan Water)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Upper pool meadow; Prospect report
Goldenrods against a Red Maple (but..its yellow!) Wildflower meadow at Prospects Upper pool
date = 2013/10/30 site = Prospect Park observers = Kathy Toomey Pied-billed Grebe Double-crested Cormorant Northern Shoveler Canada Goose Ruddy Duck Mute Swan Cooper's Hawk American Coot Ring-billed Gull Mourning Dove Downy Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Eastern Phoebe Blue Jay Winter Wren Marsh Wren, in the stand of phragmites to the left of the Sora's phrags Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-crowned Kinglet American Robin Hermit Thrush Gray Catbird Ovenbird, to the left of the path that goes up from the Nethermeade, past the Waterfall, to the Great Meadow Swamp Sparrow Chipping Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Song Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Field Sparrow Eastern Towhee Northern Cardinal House Sparrow
from Orrin :
Today's birds:
Blue jay
White-throated sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Red-bellied woodpecker
Northern cardinal
Common grackle ( 1 flock)
European starling
Song sparrow
Mourning dove
Swamp sparrow
Yellow-rumped warbler (1)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (many)
Golden-crowned kinglet
Chipping sparrow
Cedar waxwing (1 flock)
American crow (1 small flock)
Hermit thrush (many in Osborne garden)
American robin
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Ducks passing thru
This afternoon,Dennis H reported GADWALL,RING-necked Duck and HOODED MERGANSER on Prospect Lake,signifying the transition of late fall into winter waterfowl...
Ballfields take the stage;photo gallery-
Back home and a slow grind into the bird reporting so , a brief report during my short vacation recovery.
Prospect's ball fields take the stage today as Klemens Gasser reported 20 plus AMERICAN PIPIT on the baseball field between "diamonds" #3 and 4.
At diamond #5 , along the snow fence, during my lunch hour, I spotted (finally my first seasonal) the VESPER SPARROW, a holdover from yesterday's bird reported by Bobbi Manian.The Vesper was among CHIPPING and JUNCOS in that spot as 2 RED TAILED HAWKS flew over head.
BBG this morning. Plenty of activity on the slope below the Museum.
American robin
White-throated sparrow
Hermit thrush (many)
Chipping sparrow
Song sparrow
Ruby-crowned kinglet (many)
Swamp sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Mourning dove
Eastern phoebe
Winter wren
Northern cardinal
Field sparrow
Carolina wren
Golden-crowned kinglet
Prospect's ball fields take the stage today as Klemens Gasser reported 20 plus AMERICAN PIPIT on the baseball field between "diamonds" #3 and 4.
At diamond #5 , along the snow fence, during my lunch hour, I spotted (finally my first seasonal) the VESPER SPARROW, a holdover from yesterday's bird reported by Bobbi Manian.The Vesper was among CHIPPING and JUNCOS in that spot as 2 RED TAILED HAWKS flew over head.
![]() |
Field Sparrow at BBGarden, photo by Orrin |
From Orrin :
American robin
White-throated sparrow
Hermit thrush (many)
Chipping sparrow
Song sparrow
Ruby-crowned kinglet (many)
Swamp sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Mourning dove
Eastern phoebe
Winter wren
Northern cardinal
Field sparrow
Carolina wren
Golden-crowned kinglet
![]() |
Lincoln Sparrow Well Dr , 10/28 photo by Klemens Gasser |
![]() |
Lincoln Sparrow, photo by Klemens |
Monday, October 28, 2013
Fwd: GWC
from Orrin :
-----Original Message-----
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 6:51 am
Subject: GWC
Green-Wood Cemetery October 28, 7:45-9 A.M. Rather birdy in spots
Ruby-crowned kinglet (many)
Monk parakeet
House sparrow
Dark-eyed junco (many)
Chipping sparrow (many)
Canada goose (a couple of flocks, one flying)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Golden-crowned kinglet (many)
Palm warbler (1)
White-throated sparrow (very many)
Mourning dove
Blue jay
Northern flicker (several)
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Cooper's hawk
American robin
Northern cardinal
Song sparrow
Sharp-shinned hawk
Ruddy duck (half dozen on Sylvan Water)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (many)
Monk parakeet
House sparrow
Dark-eyed junco (many)
Chipping sparrow (many)
Canada goose (a couple of flocks, one flying)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Golden-crowned kinglet (many)
Palm warbler (1)
White-throated sparrow (very many)
Mourning dove
Blue jay
Northern flicker (several)
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Cooper's hawk
American robin
Northern cardinal
Song sparrow
Sharp-shinned hawk
Ruddy duck (half dozen on Sylvan Water)
@BobbiInBrooklyn: Vesper sparrow prospect park ball field 4. Fenced off one
Sunday, October 27, 2013
prospect report
from joshua
< Observer: Joshua Malbin 2013-10-27 15:32 Prospect Park Protocol: Traveling 1 Miles 126 Minutes Observers: 1 All birds reported? Yes X Canada Goose Mute Swan X 18 Wood Duck Lower pool, seen from midwood side. 3 Gadwall X Mallard Northern Shoveler 20 10 Ruddy Duck 4 Pied-billed Grebe 3 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Turkey Vulture Cooper's Hawk 1 1 Red-tailed Hawk 4 American Coot 9 Ring-billed Gull Mourning Dove 6 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 Downy Woodpecker 1 Northern Flicker X Blue Jay Tree Swallow 5 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 7 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 14 Hermit Thrush 6 American Robin Gray Catbird 2 1 European Starling 45 Chipping Sparrow 6 Song Sparrow 2 Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow 1 X White-throated Sparrow 16 Dark-eyed Junco X Northern Cardinal X House Sparrow />
< Observer: Joshua Malbin 2013-10-27 15:32 Prospect Park Protocol: Traveling 1 Miles 126 Minutes Observers: 1 All birds reported? Yes X Canada Goose Mute Swan X 18 Wood Duck Lower pool, seen from midwood side. 3 Gadwall X Mallard Northern Shoveler 20 10 Ruddy Duck 4 Pied-billed Grebe 3 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Turkey Vulture Cooper's Hawk 1 1 Red-tailed Hawk 4 American Coot 9 Ring-billed Gull Mourning Dove 6 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 Downy Woodpecker 1 Northern Flicker X Blue Jay Tree Swallow 5 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 7 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 14 Hermit Thrush 6 American Robin Gray Catbird 2 1 European Starling 45 Chipping Sparrow 6 Song Sparrow 2 Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow 1 X White-throated Sparrow 16 Dark-eyed Junco X Northern Cardinal X House Sparrow />
Fwd: Bobolink at BBG
Greetings from HAWK MOUNTAIN AREA,PA. See this email from Ed Crowne of BOBOLINK in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden expanded grass area of the Native Garden the 'PINE BARRENS" .petty exciting to see that new grassland attracting good stuff.
-----Original Message-----
To: ProsBird
Sent: Sun, Oct 27, 2013 11:58 am
Subject: Bobolink at BBG
-----Original Message-----
To: ProsBird
Sent: Sun, Oct 27, 2013 11:58 am
Subject: Bobolink at BBG
Hi, Peter.
Hope you had a great trip to Hawk Mountain. I look forward to your report. This afternoon there was an adult non-breeding Bobolink among other birds (mostly sparrows) at the new pine barrens garden area at the BBG. (I attached a few photos for reference.)
Best regards, Ed
Fwd: PP and BBG
From Klemens
-----Original Message-----
From: kle
To: prosbird
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 2:46 pm
Subject: PP and BBG
-----Original Message-----
From: kle
To: prosbird
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 2:46 pm
Subject: PP and BBG
Dear Peter,
At Prospect Park 3 Field sparrows (2 at Maryland Monument and 1 at Wellhouse dirt pile, hanging out with the continuing Lincoln’s Sparrow) and a Northern Waterthrush (across Wellhouse) while the Botanic Garden exhibited an Osprey and 5 White-crowned Sparrows (Native Grasses) and about 300 Common Grackles in the southern under construction area. Hermit Thrushes and Song Sparrows helped train my arm muscles, binocular up, down, up, down, right, left, focus, behind…while looking for missing Chipping Sparrow lores really tired me out. Best,
Klemens Gasser and Tanja Grunert
524 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011
(646) 286-8689
Fwd: Fwd: Active morning at Green-wood
From Will:
-----Original Message---
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 3:31 pm
Subject: Fwd: Active morning at Green-wood
-----Original Message---
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 3:31 pm
Subject: Fwd: Active morning at Green-wood
Hi Peter,
It was a very active morning at Green-wood. Flocks of sparrows all over. A fox sparrow and 2 woodcocks were the highlights.
26 species total
X | Canada Goose |
2 | Northern Shoveler |
5 | Ruddy Duck |
2 | American Woodcock |
X | Rock Pigeon |
2 | Mourning Dove |
2 | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
3 | Northern Flicker |
X | Monk Parakeet |
6 | Eastern Phoebe |
8 | Blue Jay |
8 | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
2 | Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
15 | Hermit Thrush |
2 | American Robin |
2 | Northern Mockingbird |
1 | Common Yellowthroat |
1 | Palm Warbler |
1 | Eastern Towhee |
60 | Chipping Sparrow |
1 | Savannah Sparrow |
1 | Fox Sparrow |
12 | Song Sparrow |
3 | Swamp Sparrow |
75 | White-throated Sparrow |
55 | Dark-eyed Junco |
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Observer: Joshua Malbin 2013-10-26 10:57 Prospect Park Protocol: Traveling 1 Miles 156 Minutes Observers: 1 All birds reported? Yes X Canada Goose Mute Swan X 1 Gadwall In large group of northern shovelers off red beach. Silvery w white underwings and belly. X Mallard Northern Shoveler 36 17 Ruddy Duck 4 Pied-billed Grebe 3 Double-crested Cormorant Red-tailed Hawk 1 2 Ring-billed Gull 2 Mourning Dove 1 Eastern Phoebe 1 Blue-headed Vireo Blue Jay X 1 Black-capped Chickadee 1 Winter Wren 2 Carolina Wren 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 43 Hermit Thrush 5 American Robin 1 Gray Catbird 1 Common Yellowthroat Chipping Sparrow 2 9 Song Sparrow 1 Lincoln's Sparrow Dirt pile on wellhouse. 1 Swamp Sparrow White-throated Sparrow X 2 Dark-eyed Junco X Northern Cardinal X House Sparrow This report was created and sent using BirdsEye BirdLog ( |
From keir: Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY Oct 26, 2013 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Protocol: Traveling 2.0 mile(s) 41 species (+2 other taxa) Canada Goose 18 Mute Swan 2 American Black Duck 1 Mallard X Northern Shoveler 8 Ring-necked Duck 3 Drakes off of Three Sisters Ruddy Duck 25 Pied-billed Grebe 1 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Great Blue Heron 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Buteo sp. 1 Brief views over Longmeadow. A buteo with black wing tips and no leading edge to wings but confusingly seemed more Red-tailed like in structure.... American Coot 2 Herring Gull 8 Rock Pigeon 3 Mourning Dove 3 Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 Hairy Woodpecker 1 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 1 Blue Jay 4 crow sp. 1 Brown Creeper 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 8 Hermit Thrush 70 Literally, a Hermit Thrush was in view the entire time I was in the park. American Robin 7 Gray Catbird 1 European Starling 2 Nashville Warbler 1 In wildflowers & weeds in front of Music Pagida Palm Warbler (Yellow) 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Friday, October 25, 2013
Presidential whirlybirds and a Baltimore bird
ON a historic day the President of the U.S. visited Prospect park, a BALTIMORE ORIOLE figures why not join in.
Down at Lamppost 249 , Well Drive, Kathy Toomey and Kathy O'Hearn observed a female ( as it appears to me) BALTIMORE ORIOLE, a tad late bird which sometimes overwinter on rare occasions. See the photos below Kathy O'Hearn took
I didn't stick around for the Marine One presidential entourage as the security detail greatly restricted viewing from the west side of the ballfields where the copters I took off..But I did see one helicopter fly near my home , a Sikorsky twin propeller.
Not much birding for me today as we couldn't move around, but Kier reported LINCOLN SPARROW at the dirt pile near LP 249, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW at Breeze Hill dirt mounds ( also reported by Kathy Toomey ). See the previous post.
I did see a flyover COOPERS HAWK and an "amazing" for the park lately 42 AMERICAN CROWS that harassed a RED-TAILED HAWK at the "Propsite".
Inside the rink grounds, along the shore , sparrows were highly active and this is a good omen for the future. The native grasses and aquatics means good coverage and highly attractive for rare species as long as it isn't too crowded with people. A brisk weekend that should be good birding....
look at the season's first fall FOX SPARROW today.
Photos by Kathy O'Hearn
List from Kathy Toomey:
Down at Lamppost 249 , Well Drive, Kathy Toomey and Kathy O'Hearn observed a female ( as it appears to me) BALTIMORE ORIOLE, a tad late bird which sometimes overwinter on rare occasions. See the photos below Kathy O'Hearn took
I didn't stick around for the Marine One presidential entourage as the security detail greatly restricted viewing from the west side of the ballfields where the copters I took off..But I did see one helicopter fly near my home , a Sikorsky twin propeller.
Not much birding for me today as we couldn't move around, but Kier reported LINCOLN SPARROW at the dirt pile near LP 249, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW at Breeze Hill dirt mounds ( also reported by Kathy Toomey ). See the previous post.
I did see a flyover COOPERS HAWK and an "amazing" for the park lately 42 AMERICAN CROWS that harassed a RED-TAILED HAWK at the "Propsite".
Inside the rink grounds, along the shore , sparrows were highly active and this is a good omen for the future. The native grasses and aquatics means good coverage and highly attractive for rare species as long as it isn't too crowded with people. A brisk weekend that should be good birding....
look at the season's first fall FOX SPARROW today.
Photos by Kathy O'Hearn
List from Kathy Toomey:
date = 2013/10/25 site = Prospect Park observers = Kathy Toomey Pied-billed Grebe, three Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Northern Shoveler Canada Goose Ruddy Duck Mute Swan Mallard Red-tailed Hawk American Coot Herring Gull Mourning Dove Downy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Eastern Phoebe Blue-headed Vireo American Crow, heard Blue Jay Black-capped Chickadee White-breasted Nuthatch, heard Brown Creeper Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-crowned Kinglet American Robin Hermit Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler Swamp Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow, dirt pile near container on Wellhouse Drive White-throated Sparrow Song Sparrow Fox Sparrow, in the grass and leaves near Bartel Pritchard Circle White-crowned Sparrow, Breeze Hill and near Lamp post 249 Dark-eyed Junco Field Sparrow, near Maryland Monument Northern Cardinal Baltimore Oriole, in a tree behind the fence near picnic tables by Lamp post 249 House Sparrow
Fwd: PP Oct25
From Keir Randall:
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Oct 25, 2013 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
43 species (+2 other taxa)
Canada Goose 6
American Black Duck 4
Mallard 12
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
Northern Shoveler 2
Ruddy Duck 16
Pied-billed Grebe 2
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Great Blue Heron 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Coot 2
Herring Gull 2
Rock Pigeon 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 2
Peregrine Falcon 2 Flying together low over Breeze Hill
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Blue Jay 6
American Crow 11
Black-capped Chickadee 1
Tufted Titmouse 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Brown Creeper 1
Carolina Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 13
Hermit Thrush 6
American Robin 10
Gray Catbird 3
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 15
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 3
warbler sp. 1 Probably a Nashville Warbler - glimpsed south lakeside between Three Sisters and West Island
Chipping Sparrow 2
Field Sparrow 1 L249
Song Sparrow 24
Lincoln's Sparrow 1 Continues at Wellhouse Drive green containers/puddle
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 30
White-crowned Sparrow 1 Immature at Breeze Hill berms, north end.
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 1
Northern Cardinal 3
Red-winged Blackbird 4
House Sparrow 25
View this checklist online at
Thursday, October 24, 2013
At the NY Historical Society
Current exhibition just opened Oct 15th till January 12th
(click on link above)
(click on link above)
John James Audubon: National Treasures— Birds for a Season of Change: Watercolor Models for The Birds of America (1827–38)
The NY Historical Society is at 170 Central Park West , across from the American Museum of Natural History.
Prospect report
From Klemens Gasser:
Dear Peter, PP was active and fun to bird this morning! Warm regards, Klemens
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Oct 24, 2013 7:40 AM - 9:40 AM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: cold, cloudless; new birds have arrived. 2 Lincoln's Sp.s and 1 White-crowned Sp. 7 Sp. species.
40 species
Canada Goose 5
Mute Swan 5
Wood Duck 5 terrace bridge; 2 flyover, 3 in water
Mallard 10
Northern Shoveler 20
Ruddy Duck 40
Pied-billed Grebe 3
Double-crested Cormorant 5
American Coot 5
Ring-billed Gull 3
Rock Pigeon 2
Mourning Dove 20
Belted Kingfisher 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Downy Woodpecker 2
Peregrine Falcon 2 wellhouse containers
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Blue Jay 4
Tufted Titmouse 1
Winter Wren 3
Carolina Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 15
Hermit Thrush 3
American Robin 20
European Starling 20
Common Yellowthroat 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Chipping Sparrow 20 not many but well distributed along wellhouse drive
Song Sparrow 15
Lincoln's Sparrow 2 continues at wellhouse dirtpile; one at wellhouse drive Cleft Ridge Span
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 20
White-crowned Sparrow 1 immature, wellhouse drive Cleft Ridge Span
Dark-eyed Junco 15
Northern Cardinal 5
Red-winged Blackbird 70
Common Grackle 20
House Finch 1 in 2 months of intensive PP birding this was my first House Finch. At Wellhouse dirtpile. Similar frequency of Mockingbird of which I also managed to see only one.
House Sparrow 30
View this checklist online at
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Prospect report
from Keir
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY Oct 23, 2013 1:10 PM - 2:20 PM Protocol: Traveling 1.0 mile(s) 33 species Canada Goose 1 Mute Swan 4 American Black Duck 1 Mallard X Northern Shoveler 9 Ruddy Duck 25 Pied-billed Grebe 3 Double-crested Cormorant 2 Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 American Coot 3 Ring-billed Gull 1 Rock Pigeon 2 Downy Woodpecker 1 Blue-headed Vireo 1 Blue Jay 3 Winter Wren 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 12 Hermit Thrush 5 American Robin 3 Gray Catbird 1 Magnolia Warbler 1 In the fenced restored habitat on Lullwater West, just north of Terrace Bridge. Close views - fanned black upper tail with white spots, under tail had thick black terminal band etc. Palm Warbler (Yellow) 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 4 Chipping Sparrow 25 Field Sparrow 1 Peninsula Meadow Sumacs Song Sparrow 9 Swamp Sparrow 1 White-throated Sparrow 14 Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 7 Northern Cardinal 1 Red-winged Blackbird 8 House Sparrow 8 View this checklist online at
PPA announcement : Prospect Closed Friday afternoon
An announcement on Facebook from the Prospect Park Alliance if anybody intending to bird or visit Friday afternoon : its
CLOSED for security reasons from noon to 6 pm due to
President Obama's visit . ( helicopter convoy)
From NYSBirds listserve
posted by Doug G. excerpt of a report mentioning Prospect today 10/22
< I stopped off at Prospect Park on the way home and saw the continuing SORA along the shore at the base of the Peninsula, and had a flyover American Pipit (fairly rare for the location), and 2 Eastern Bluebirds there as well. Good Birding, -Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY. />
< I stopped off at Prospect Park on the way home and saw the continuing SORA along the shore at the base of the Peninsula, and had a flyover American Pipit (fairly rare for the location), and 2 Eastern Bluebirds there as well. Good Birding, -Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY. />
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Wood Ducks and Chippies
While the whirlybirds took the big stage, somehow , about 17 WOOD DUCKS didn't get spooked, staying put at the Lower Pool. Reported first by Elyse Taylor, the Woodies were spotted from the Long Meadow fence side, thru a small opening in the brush, resting underneath or by the willow tree, snags in the water concealing their presence. I was able to count at least 16.
CHIPPING SPARROWS stuck around in the Sparrowbowl, whereas Klemens Gasser reported over 100 along the western fringes of the Long Meadow , between Bandshell and North
of BBQ area of Picnic House. Among them on my observation were WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS when I saw them with my smaller flock of 35 .Nothing else unusual though its tough to ascertain when the small sparrows are hunkered deep in the grasses.
In addition to other notable sightings, RING-NECKED DUCKS and a BRANT were seen on Prospect lake. Observers were Rob Bate & Klemens
"small" sample of Wood Ducks in Lower Pool, photos by Rob Bate
CHIPPING SPARROWS stuck around in the Sparrowbowl, whereas Klemens Gasser reported over 100 along the western fringes of the Long Meadow , between Bandshell and North
of BBQ area of Picnic House. Among them on my observation were WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS when I saw them with my smaller flock of 35 .Nothing else unusual though its tough to ascertain when the small sparrows are hunkered deep in the grasses.
In addition to other notable sightings, RING-NECKED DUCKS and a BRANT were seen on Prospect lake. Observers were Rob Bate & Klemens
"small" sample of Wood Ducks in Lower Pool, photos by Rob Bate
Prospect US PRESIDENTIAL whirlbirdy spectacle
About the best hilight for the year ?
5 helicopters--2 hueys and 3 sikorskys--landed on the ballfields I presumed in a test was an awesome spectacle with loud noise and dust and dirt blown in our faces..
BBGarden report; Ring Necks
from Orrin
BBG this morning, 8:15-9 A.M.
Notable birds were field sparrow (slope below Brooklyn Museum) and rufous-sided towhee (Japanese garden). Lots of chipping sparrow and white-throated sparrows, several songs sparrows, one red-bellied woodpecker, but no warblers (from the conservatory north).
BBG this morning, 8:15-9 A.M.
Notable birds were field sparrow (slope below Brooklyn Museum) and rufous-sided towhee (Japanese garden). Lots of chipping sparrow and white-throated sparrows, several songs sparrows, one red-bellied woodpecker, but no warblers (from the conservatory north).
"tweet " From Rob Bate
Two RING-NECKED DUCKS at West Island
Monday, October 21, 2013
Prospect : tale of three sparrow spots; rarities overshadow
A tale of three reputable sparrow spots were each dominated by a single sparrow species, with two of the spots revealing "field tendencies". But overshadowing the best sparrow numbers today for Prospect in this disappointing sparrow migration, the SORA rail and an accompanying MARSH WREN took the accolades.
Of the "Sparrowbowl" (Tennis House), the Picnic House BBQ area, and Breeze Hill, each site was dominated, respectively by CHIPPING , WHITE-THROATED and SONG SPARROWS. In the latter two, FIELD SPARROWS --totaling 4 on my afternoon post work walk-- made the top honor as the best sparrow species.; Breeze Hill north mound had 3 FIELD SPARROWS , that made my walk quite successful despite only 5 sparrow species.
But hearing news about the SORA, having not seen the second one even though I had seen the first Sora,I went for the bird. Three birders were already watching the cooperative SORA in that Phragmite marsh, including Kathy Toomey and Phil Malek and another. By adding some bonus, a singing MARSH WREN is within the SORA's domain, having been here since Friday. So still some excitement on the Peninsula with the hopeful buildup of those tardy sparrow numbers.
date = Oct 21
site = Prospect Park
observers = Peter
Pied-billed Grebe 2lake
Double-crested Cormorant 3 sisters
Great Blue Heron Duck Island
Canada Goose
Ruddy Duck 46 Lake
Mute Swan
Red-tailed Hawk f/o Terrace Br
American Coot 1 Lake
Herring Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Phoebe 4; 3 Sparrowbowl
Marsh Wren singing Peninsula marsh, Kathy Toomey +2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 6
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin
Hermit Thrush 4 Tennis House
European Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Chipping Sparrow ~45
White-throated Sparrow ~30 long meadow north of Picnic House
Song Sparrow 11 Breeze Hill; 7 Sparrowbowl
Dark-eyed Junco 7 Sparrowbowl; 4 Breeze Hill
Field Sparrow 4; 1 long meadow north of Picnic House;3 Breeze Hill north mound
Northern Cardinal 2
House Sparrow
From Orrin :
Green-Wood Cemetery this morning. Surprisingly birdy given the south winds.
Chipping sparrow (many)
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Golden-crowned kinglet
Blue jay
Common raven (4)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Canada goose
Palm warbler (many near Crescent Water and Sylvan Water)
Yellow-rumped warbler (many near Sylvan Water)
Belted kingfisher (2, flyover)
Wood duck (one, eclipse plumage, squawking on Dell Water)
white-throated sparrow (many)
American robin
Mourning dove
Blue-headed vireo
Blackpoll warbler
Black-capped chickadee
Tufted titmouse (heard)
Northern cardinal
Carolina wren
Song sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Great blue heron
Horned Grebe Records
For your info, the records of rare Horned Grebes in Prospect park per Saturday's sighting. This is the second time this species appeared in Prospect in 2013; and from the list below, the 11th record visit.
Horned Grebe 1 3/21/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/19/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/19/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/18/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/17/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/17/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Three Sisters Islands
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/15/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/15/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/11/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/11/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/10/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/10/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/4/13 Boathouse
Horned Grebe 1 3/2/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/2/13 Terrace Bridge
Horned Grebe 1 3/2/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/1/13 Boathouse
Horned Grebe 1 2/28/13 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 2/26/13 Terrace Bridge
Horned Grebe 1 4/19/12 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 10/12/11 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 4/25/11 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 10/25/10 Duck Island
Horned Grebe 1 3/27/01 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 3/24/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/23/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/19/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/18/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/16/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/15/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/14/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/4/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 3/2/01 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 1/24/99 Prospect Lake
Horned Grebe 1 1/23/99 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 1/22/99 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 1/21/99 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 10/10/63 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 10/10/63 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 11/22/52 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 4/23/52 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 11/25/43 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 3/3/39 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 3/2/39 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 3/1/39 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 2/28/39 Prospect Park
Horned Grebe 1 2/27/39 Prospect Park
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