A north wind didn't deliver any bog numbers this morn , especially sparrows.In areas known for sparrows of southern Prospect, it was generally quiet.
Joining forces with top birder Dale Dyer ,we saw few birds save some at the Rink. A BAY-BREASTED WARBLER and two PALM WARBLERS joined with a single EASTERN PHOEBE. At West island a nice BLACK THROATED WARBLET male appeared.But sparrows weren't around.
On a last look after Dale left,I went up to Butterfly Meadow and found the continuing handsome LINCOLN'S SPARROW perched in the BBC donor oak tree. Chris Las lucked in; later the sparrow perched over the road in full cooperative view.Dennis' BBC walk group also profited seeing the Lincoln's. Earlier I saw a flash of a flyby EASTERN TOWHEE in the same spot.
Save for Dennis's report of 10 warbler species by Duck Island,generally it was personally a nice day out for slow birding.
On the lake,a pair of PIED BILLED GREBES approached the boat ramp at Well Drive. I also saw a few RUDDY DUCKS.
Nevertheless the slow activity for me,Dennis' walk will be a better report when i receive it.
Looks like those birds had jet packs on and went whoosh yesterday