Blue Grosbeak in Green-Wood Cemetery above Crescent Water at Summit Ave
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Dear Friends,
Wildlife is threatened like never before with dozens of bills now before Congress that weaken habitat protections and our nation's environmental laws, as well as administrative changes being proposed affecting Greater Sage-Grouse, endangered species and National Monuments.
Please take action by signing your organization to a letter in support of Greater Sage-Grouse conservation by this Friday, September 22.
There are also good bills to advance conservation that we must keep pushing to save birds and other wildlife. We are pleased to be coordinating advocacy efforts with National Audubon Society in support of the Conserving Migratory Birds of the Americas Act (NMBCA) and the Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act.
Please ask your activists to write a letter on each of these issues to theirs Senators and Representative using the links below:
Bills to Support that Advance Bird Conservation
Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Act (NMBCA)
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) have introduced, S. 1537, to reauthorize the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA), one of the nation's most important bird conservation laws. Now called the Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Act, the bill would provide a higher level of funding to help conserve migratory birds, many of which are in rapid decline. Rep. Robert Wittman (R-VA) and Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) have introduced companion legislation, H.R. 3598 in the House of Representatives. ABC recommends passage of S. 1537/H.R. 3598 and asks Senators and Representatives to please cosponsor the bill.
Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act Reps. Mike Quigley (IL) and Morgan Griffith (VA) have reintroduced the Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act (H.R. 2542) to prevent the deaths of millions of birds by calling for each public building constructed, acquired, or significantly altered by the GSA to incorporate, to the maximum extent possible, bird-safe building materials and design features. It also calls for monitoring to identify problem buildings/locations for collisions. ABC recommends passage of this legislation. Representatives, please cosponsor the Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act.
Saving America's Pollinators Act H.R. 3040, the Saving America's Pollinators Act of 2017, introduced by Reps. John Conyers (MI) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), would suspend registration for neonicotinoid insecticides, or "neonics," which are causing serious harm to birds, bees, and aquatic life pending thorough review and field study of the adverse effects. ABC recommends passage of this legislation. Representatives, please cosponsor the Saving America's Pollinators Act, H.R. 3040.
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels Act Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA) is expected to introduce a bill implementing the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), and we hope to see a companion bill introduced in the Senate. ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve albatrosses and petrels by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations. The U.S. is a world leader in improving bird-friendly mitigation practices to reduce accidental bycatch, and our participation in the agreement can help encourage other nations to make similar progress. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee must give its advice and consent for ACAP to move forward towards ratification. ABC urges Congress to ratify and pass implementing legislation.
Bills to Oppose Bills and Administration Plan Undermining Sage Grouse Conservation Plans Additional conservation measures are needed to conservation Greater Sage-Grouse, but the administration has released report recommending changes undermining the federal resources management plans protecting grouse habitat. In addition, legislation has been introduced in the House and Senate (S. 273/H.R. 527) that would allow adoption of weaker conservation measures for managing grouse habitat, exempt the grouse from Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for ten years, and halt the proposed mineral withdrawal for the most important grouse habitats. It is essential the federal conservation plans be kept in place and that Greater Sage-Grouse not be exempted from the ESA. ABC asks lawmakers to please oppose S. 273/HR 527 and the Interior Appropriations rider preventing ESA protection for the grouse, and for the administration to withdraw its plan to undermine grouse conservation.
TAKE ACTION: Organization Sign On Letter (deadline Sept. 22) Letters to Congress:
Bills Weakening the Endangered Species Act The Endangered Species Act has a demonstrated track record of success and is an essential lifeline for species sliding towards extinction. A package of harmful bills have been introduced in the House that would block federal ESA protections for gray wolves in the Great Lakes states and Wyoming, undermine the ESA listing process by removing deadlines necessary to ensure petitions are ruled on in a timely fashion, subverting the ESA's science-based requirements, strip ESA protections for species impacted by wildlife trafficking, and undercutting citizen engagement and enforcement of the ESA. ABC urges opposition to H.R. 424, H.R. 717, H.R. 1274, H.R. 2603, and H.R. 3131 that weaken protections of the Endangered Species Act or to exempt individual species such as Sec. 113 of the House Interior Appropriations bill.
Take Action:
Bills Weakening the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
The State of North America's Birds 2016 report found that more than one third of our migratory bird species are in steep decline and will require concerted conservation efforts to ensure their future. They are under extreme pressure from cumulative threats—habitat loss, invasive species, window collisions, and pesticides. Doing away with or weakening the Migratory Bird Treaty Act would push many species closer to the brink, undermine the current system of wildlife management. Bills to allow for baiting of migratory birds is being considered in the House and Senate.
Endangered Birds and Federal Forests at Risk Federal forest lands provide essential habitat for a number of threatened bird populations including the Northern Spotted Owl and Marbled Murrelet. H.R. 2936 and S. 1731 would undermine sustainable forest management on public lands by weakening habitat protections provided by the National Environmental Policy Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. The House bill, H.R. 2936, which may be voted on this month, also puts at risk old growth forests providing habitat for endangered species. ABC urges opposition to S. 1731 and H.R. 2936.
To be removed from the list, send any message to:
Steve Holmer
Vice President of Policy
American Bird Conservancy &
Director, Bird Conservation Alliance
202-888-7490,, ABC on Facebook, ABC Videos