The only birds that salvaged the doldrums were two warblers, one a first of season and the other always a terrific warbler to see. Paige Linden reported a CAPE MAY WARBLER at Lower pool in the early morning. It was looked for but without success after the initial showing. The other warbler seen in the Peninsula , a crisp looking PRAIRIE hung out thru the day, even my good fortune seeing the bird by the road Y fork, in secondary forest,.Thanks to Rafael and Linda Evans in mentioning it.
If you like BLACK CROWNED NIGHT HERONS, there's several of them on the Lake's islands. More were at Three Sisters.Out on the water, swallows busily keep to their routines, along with mostly BARN and a few TREE, a lone NORTHERN ROUGH WINGED flew around as well,
A last mention: Orrin Tilevitz reported BLUE WINGED WARBLER in the Native flora section of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the best birding spot at that venue.
Given the day's low key day, here's hoping for a good birding weekend. Warm flow predicted for Sunday into Monday.