A number of YELLOW RUMPED WARBLERS and PALM WARBLERS were seen passing through Lookout Hill woods. Small flock of the "rumps" came in at the summit high up in the big oaks then scattered. The same is said of the tail wagging Pumps, the Palms though their yellow color were more vibrant at lower levels. Nevertheless how common they are , one appreciates their presence as they don't stay very long , their journey to Alaska and Canada's northern borderlands a long and arduous one.
Post from NYS Birds
Subject: Prospect Park/Kings County: 4 warblers +
From: Sean Sime <sean@seansime.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 13:24:49 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2
Although the overnight winds were not from a favorable direction the
diminished wind speed allowed for some new arrivals in the park. Most
notable were the increased numbers of Yellow-rumped and Palm Warblers. A
few Pine Warblers are still around and a bright male Black & White Warbler
was feeding low along a peninsula path.
Other new arrivals included House Wren on Lookout Hill, Swamp Sparrow on
peninsula "thumb" and a singing Purple Finch between lamppost 249 and the
perimeter road.
Good birding,
Sean Sime
Brooklyn, NY
Subject: Re: prospect Park NYC - Monday April 18, 2016
From: Jonathan Perez <jonathan.aperez@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:43:43 -0400
X-Message-Number: 6
There is a warbling vireo currently singing in the center of the prospect park lawn in the small hill of trees.
It is singing along on the east side of the clump of trees nearer to park slope side.
Spring is here!
Jonathan Perez