Because I been preoccupied with a significant
family event the last few days, the MOWA reported in Greenwood Cemetery I missed entirely over the weekend,led me this morning to an outstanding view of the Vale Cashmere MOURNING WARBLER
Usually most Mourning Warblers are heard before seen , given their skulking nature. How often does a hearing impaired guy find one with pure luck ?
After seeing the Restoration Project Goats
on the Vale Cashmere west slope, I figure let me take a quick look around the pool and maybe get lucky finding something, I stopped at the east slope edge , where some invasive tree species were taken down. Then I see a bird fly left across the slope and perch inside a shrub. Inching closer for better looks, I catch a glimpse of yellow with a gray hood with a side view in shade. Son of a gun, its a MOURNING! Then I lost sight of it. Not satisfied after a moment waiting, I decided to take the path that goes up along the old red pump house ( now a storage shed).
Passing by the large bamboo stand, I stopped short.Theres warbler activity, a COMMON YELLOWTHROAT in front of me on the right path edge. Suddenly another bird chased it, perched in full view on a branch: it's the MOURNING WARBLER again, right out in the open! After about 20 seconds, as it flew down and then up again, it soon flew towards the Pump house , and disappeared up the slope into the Rose Garden. Running into Maureen Matthews and Rafael Campos, we three searched the Rose Garden Yew bush edges with no further luck.
Other warblers nevertheless made the Vale active. Maureen reported WILSON'S & CANADA WARBLERs in the north end of the pool. I spotted MAGNOLIA,REDSTART,NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH, NORTHERN PARULA & BLACK THROATED BLUE warblers.
An OLIVE SIDED FLYCATCHER was also found near the Pumphouse during the search for MOWA. Observer was Mike Yuan.
Now, can anyone find me that bittern again??
UPDATE : Dennis Hrehowsik reported at 1:07 the MOURNING WARBLER refound at the BBC Centennial garden south end, near Zucker rustic Playground, the slope on the east side.