Thursday, June 22, 2017

Least Bittern flying show

To the delight of birders during these first days of Summer, a LEAST BITTERN is putting up a show at the northern shore of Prospect Lake. Whether its a floater ( an unattached male or female) or breeding --the latter unlikely -- but welcomed for viewing, the small colorful bittern is showing off well during its to and fro flight between two phragmite patches on the Peninsula south shore.

Several birders spotted the flyby bittern at 7:25 am. Joshua tweeted out the report while with Mike Y and Alie R. About an hour or 2 later, Janet Zinn saw it fly by towards the right phragmite. Then as I went to see just after ten , I ran into Karen and Gus. I was hoping despite no bins on me. So I left with more work to do.About 15 minutes later, Karen tweeted out the Least Bittern flying out of the right phrag towards the Peninsula thumb Phragmites. I left 5 minutes too early as they say .. :(

To get the best chance seeing the bird, its going to be on a flyby in front of the Peninsula shore where formerly a metal sculpture sat. There's a wood bench there where in the shade one can sit patiently and wait for the flyby.

see the map link I attached.  Good luck