Here are the quick notes from today:
*PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues to dazzle in and around Ambergill pool and creek
*2 WORMEATING WARBLERS ,1Along Upper pool back path I presume,other in Ravine
*RUSTY BLACKBIRD Upper Pool open area,though I'm not sure where
*And late this afternoon Kristin C found HOODED WARBLER in the east south Lullwater on the north side of Terrace Bridge by the line of the feeders site.
Birdcast says Midwest is getting massive movement tonight. We no doubt will get birds for Tuesday's walk n birding. Enjoy!
A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements,miscellany in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden & north half of Kings County, & Greenwood Cemetery.A service for Brooklyn birders and visitors. Also note: Conservation issues & miscellany posts.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Tweet from kristin b costello (@angry_wren)
kristin b costello (@angry_wren) tweeted at 4:34 PM on Mon, Apr 30, 2018:
Hooded warbler along lullwater edge, just below the feeders area.
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Hooded warbler along lullwater edge, just below the feeders area.
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Tweet from Heidi (@heidicleven)
Heidi (@heidicleven) tweeted at 5:55 PM on Mon, Apr 30, 2018:
Worm-eating Warbler enjoying a treat. Thanks Rob B and Michelle for helping me find WEWA! #PhoneSkopeBirding
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Worm-eating Warbler enjoying a treat. Thanks Rob B and Michelle for helping me find WEWA! #PhoneSkopeBirding
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Tweet from Heidi (@heidicleven) snipe video
Heidi (@heidicleven) tweeted at 9:30 PM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
And you wonder why they're hard to find...Wilson's Snipe, Lullwater, Prospect Park.
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And you wonder why they're hard to find...Wilson's Snipe, Lullwater, Prospect Park.
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Tweet from Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) 1 of 2
Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) tweeted at 8:51 AM on Mon, Apr 30, 2018:
Worm eating Warbler Ravine
Worm eating Warbler Ravine
Second bird at upper pool back path per Paige
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Sunday, April 29, 2018
A day at the water
Before thoughts turn to a day at Coney island beach,it was instead Prospects watercourse that had the good birds today.
First,PROTHONOTARY WARBLER was a star attraction at the Ambergill. This creek between Esdale Bridge towards the Ravine served as the backdrop for this beautiful bright golden plumage bird with a little orange hair turf. Why with its performance today for it's audience,it could win an Oscar!
There was a second report of PROTHONOTARY across from the Wellhouse at the boat ramp according to Adelia. It's likely a second bird.
The next water hilight is Ed Crowne credit,finding WILSONS SNIPE. A turtle resting spot,Lullwater cove across from the rustic arbor held the bird seen near the cove mouth. Best viewing was at the overlook platform. When I went in early afternoon ,the snipe rested on land behind a unsprouted shrub,on the right side. A great sighting.
Last,at Upper pool, there happened to be WORM EATING WARBLER. From reports I read,it sounds like the back path where at one point a good crowd gathered to observed this handsome bird.
In other news,a report of BLUE GROSBEAK emanated from Fort Greene Park.The bird focused on the north lawn.
Finally,a Summer Tanager at Green-Wood Cemetery, between the end of Cypress Path and Laurel Path, along Lawn Ave
Finally,a Summer Tanager at Green-Wood Cemetery, between the end of Cypress Path and Laurel Path, along Lawn Ave
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:48 PM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
64 species this morning in Prospect Park -- good abundance and variety. Prothonotary Warbler, 2 Prairie, 6 Yellow, Red-eyed Vireo, both orioles #birdbk
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64 species this morning in Prospect Park -- good abundance and variety. Prothonotary Warbler, 2 Prairie, 6 Yellow, Red-eyed Vireo, both orioles #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:26 PM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
The Wilson's Snipe at Lullwater Cove, Prospect Park, photographed just now by @ryanacandee #birdbk
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The Wilson's Snipe at Lullwater Cove, Prospect Park, photographed just now by @ryanacandee #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:00 PM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
Summer Tanager at Green-Wood Cemetery, between the end of Cypress Path and Laurel Path, along Lawn Ave within the hour #birdbk
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Summer Tanager at Green-Wood Cemetery, between the end of Cypress Path and Laurel Path, along Lawn Ave within the hour #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:05 PM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
Wilson's Snipe continues at Lullwater Cove (Turtle Cove), Prospect Park #birdbk
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Wilson's Snipe continues at Lullwater Cove (Turtle Cove), Prospect Park #birdbk
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Tweet from Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) Lullwater cove
Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) tweeted at 8:53 AM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
Wilson's Snipe Turtle Cove from viewing platform Prospect Park
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Wilson's Snipe Turtle Cove from viewing platform Prospect Park
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Tweet from Heidi (@heidicleven) video
Heidi (@heidicleven) tweeted at 7:05 PM on Sat, Apr 28, 2018:
Prothonotary Warbler, Ambergill Falls.
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Prothonotary Warbler, Ambergill Falls.
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Tweet from Marc Brawer (@satchmo0802)
Marc Brawer (@satchmo0802) tweeted at 9:52 AM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
Worm-eating Warbler. Mid-ravine. Opposite Horse Trail. Spotted by Mimi. Still present
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Worm-eating Warbler. Mid-ravine. Opposite Horse Trail. Spotted by Mimi. Still present
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 8:02 AM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
Blue-winged Warbler by the broken stairs (near Rick's Place), Prospect. #birdbk via @lke313
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Blue-winged Warbler by the broken stairs (near Rick's Place), Prospect. #birdbk via @lke313
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 8:31 AM on Sun, Apr 29, 2018:
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues! Flew from Lower Pool to Ravine, Prospect Park #birdbk
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PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues! Flew from Lower Pool to Ravine, Prospect Park #birdbk
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GECem Orange crowned and Hooded (chklist)
Orange-crowned Warbler (Oreothlypis celata) (1)
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 07:08 by Daisy Paul
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Drab warbler with eye line and broken eye ring. Multiple observers but I think we were all too dazzled by the male Hooded to grab photos of this guy."
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 07:08 by Daisy Paul
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Drab warbler with eye line and broken eye ring. Multiple observers but I think we were all too dazzled by the male Hooded to grab photos of this guy."
Fort Greene Blue Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 17:50 by Sarang Gopalakrishnan
- Fort Greene Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9754964&ll=40.691923,-73.9754964
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Unmistakable. Feeding on lawn NE side of park. Low-quality photo with cellphone + binoculars attached. Rusty wing-bars clearly seen, not as clear in picture"
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 17:50 by Sarang Gopalakrishnan
- Fort Greene Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9754964&ll=40.691923,-73.9754964
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Unmistakable. Feeding on lawn NE side of park. Low-quality photo with cellphone + binoculars attached. Rusty wing-bars clearly seen, not as clear in picture"
Fwd: 4.28.18
Leader Dennis
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dennis Hrehowsik <>
Date: Sat, Apr 28, 2018, 9:12 PM
Subject: 4.28.18
To: Peter Dorosh <>, <>, Roberta <>
From: Dennis Hrehowsik <>
Date: Sat, Apr 28, 2018, 9:12 PM
Subject: 4.28.18
To: Peter Dorosh <>, <>, Roberta <>
Great walk with 25 participants and lots of new faces. Highlights were Yellow Throated Vireo, Prothonotary Warbler found by Simon and Leah and Kentucky Warbler found by Chellie Bowman. Total of 70 species and we didn't really work lake or we could have probably pulled out a few more. We had an ex president sighting as well.
Prospect Park
Apr 28, 2018
7:15 AM
5.00 miles
420 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.5.0 Build 136
6 Canada Goose
3 Mute Swan
4 Wood Duck
10 Mallard
2 Double-crested Cormorant
2 Great Blue Heron
2 Great Egret
1 Green Heron
2 Black-crowned Night-Heron
2 Red-tailed Hawk
2 American Coot
2 Spotted Sandpiper
9 Laughing Gull
2 Herring Gull
5 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
10 Mourning Dove
35 Chimney Swift
1 Belted Kingfisher
3 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Hairy Woodpecker
3 Northern Flicker
1 American Kestrel
1 Merlin
1 Great Crested Flycatcher
1 Eastern Kingbird
2 White-eyed Vireo
1 Yellow-throated Vireo
5 Blue-headed Vireo
25 Blue Jay
3 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
25 Tree Swallow
25 Barn Swallow
1 House Wren
8 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
10 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1 Veery
3 Hermit Thrush
125 American Robin
2 Gray Catbird
50 European Starling
4 Cedar Waxwing
1 Ovenbird
1 Louisiana Waterthrush
1 Northern Waterthrush
5 Black-and-white Warbler
1 Prothonotary Warbler
1 Kentucky Warbler -- Found behind music pagoda by Chellie Bowman. All olive above all yellow below. No white on tail edges yellow spectacles black facial pattern. I'm going to speculate this was an adult female because 1. the black facial pattern was not as extensive as others I have seen. it didn't extend as far down the side of the neck. 2 bird never sang but that's anecdotal I suppose.
1 Common Yellowthroat
1 American Redstart
2 Northern Parula
4 Yellow Warbler
3 Palm Warbler
1 Pine Warbler
85 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1 Prairie Warbler
6 Chipping Sparrow
8 White-throated Sparrow
3 Song Sparrow
1 Swamp Sparrow
3 Eastern Towhee
12 Northern Cardinal
1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
1 Baltimore Oriole
25 Red-winged Blackbird
5 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 Rusty Blackbird
35 Common Grackle
2 American Goldfinch
10 House Sparrow
Number of Taxa: 70
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Late bloomers in Prospect
The two prized Warblers was PROTHONOTARY and KENTUCKY.
The golden bird of dark swamps first appeared by the Pools. In late morning thru early afternoon,the PROTHONOTARY entertained countless birders at Ambergill Falls,venturing at times downstream through the Ravine; then back again to the Ambergill Falls ,below from the Rock Arch bridge. A really cool bird to watch,very cooperative and worth pursuing.
Not far from there,the Binnen creek behind the Music Pagoda had its own special guest: KENTUCKY WARBLER. A good number of birders watched the skulky furtive bird walking along the creek.It too ventured a little bit,out towards the bridle trail. Later with Simon T and Melanie,I played my hunch it went into the Midwood where Simon spotted it briefly on a fallen timber along the bridle trail. We searched in vain not able to relocate it.
YELLOW WARBLERS seemed to be reported in various places. Other Warblers are usual Black and White,Northern Waterthrush,Black throated Green and so on.
At Ambergill pool,I noted a RUSTY BLACKBIRD where also BLUE HEAED VIREO showed up,bathing. White eyed VIREO was reported elsewhere.
In the under restoration Vale of Cashmere ,ORCHARD ORIOLES dominated. At least three were found,joined by a BALTIMORE ORIOLE. One of the Orchards was an immature.
Greenwood Cemetery though quietly represented today ,found its mark mark with HOODED WARBLER. From Karen O @KarenOhearn: Hooded warbler by hillside mausoleum . A late afternoon YELLOW THROATED VIREO surfaced in the alerts.
It should still be a good Sunday of birding. Have patience for the long haul.
For more details and other bird sightings check out the Twitter feed Brooklyn Bird Alert.
Kentucky PP
Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis formosa) (1)
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 12:15 by Linda Ewing
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen earlier behind music pagoda. Spotted again at beginning of horse trail into ravine; perched briefly in brushy area between horse trail and center drive; then returned to area behind music pagoda.
- Reported Apr 28, 2018 12:15 by Linda Ewing
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen earlier behind music pagoda. Spotted again at beginning of horse trail into ravine; perched briefly in brushy area between horse trail and center drive; then returned to area behind music pagoda.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:48 PM on Sat, Apr 28, 2018:
KENTUCKY WARBLER reported at stream edge behind Music Pagoda in Prospect Park #birdbk
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KENTUCKY WARBLER reported at stream edge behind Music Pagoda in Prospect Park #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:30 PM on Sat, Apr 28, 2018:
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues at Prospect Park Ambergill Falls #birdbk
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PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues at Prospect Park Ambergill Falls #birdbk
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Tweet from BobbiInBrooklyn (@BobbiInBrooklyn). PROTHONOTARY WARBLER
BobbiInBrooklyn (@BobbiInBrooklyn) tweeted at 1:27 PM on Sat, Apr 28, 2018:
PritohatRy at ambergike falls Niw. 2?
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PritohatRy at ambergike falls Niw. 2?
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Friday, April 27, 2018
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:01 PM on Fri, Apr 27, 2018:
2 Great Crested Flycatchers in Prospect Park, Butterfly Meadow and lower Pool; Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the park, too #birdbk via @billmiky
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2 Great Crested Flycatchers in Prospect Park, Butterfly Meadow and lower Pool; Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the park, too #birdbk via @billmiky
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 3:07 PM on Fri, Apr 27, 2018:
Yellow warbler and rusty blackbird at the Lower Pool by the fallen tree #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Yellow warbler and rusty blackbird at the Lower Pool by the fallen tree #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Raindrops birds
A tough birding day with the chill and raindrops. There wasn't much to report of course with low activity but there were a few notable species found by birders.
Greenwood cemetery's northwest corner remains a great spot for rarity. Along with the bright continuing BLUE GROSBEAK rediscovered by Daisy Paul at Sylvan Water,Karen O'hearn found an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER just inside the 4th ave exit , five minutes from Sylvan Waters northwest perimeter.
Earlier in the morning,Tom Preston had a WORM EATING WARBLER at the south slope of Sylvan and in the area WILSONS SNIPE.
I went out early myself on an off day with little luck. However I was happy finding GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER at Butterfly meadow and NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH at Lower Pool back gate.
Will Pollard at the Lower pool observed AMERICAN REDSTART and BLACK THROATED GREEN WARBLER. The Warblers are fighting the elements!
Greenwood cemetery's northwest corner remains a great spot for rarity. Along with the bright continuing BLUE GROSBEAK rediscovered by Daisy Paul at Sylvan Water,Karen O'hearn found an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER just inside the 4th ave exit , five minutes from Sylvan Waters northwest perimeter.
Earlier in the morning,Tom Preston had a WORM EATING WARBLER at the south slope of Sylvan and in the area WILSONS SNIPE.
I went out early myself on an off day with little luck. However I was happy finding GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER at Butterfly meadow and NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH at Lower Pool back gate.
Will Pollard at the Lower pool observed AMERICAN REDSTART and BLACK THROATED GREEN WARBLER. The Warblers are fighting the elements!
@KarenOhearn: Orange-crowned warbler continues as of two minutes ago. If you enter the cemetery fourth Ave. entrance it's in the first tree with the big whit...
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Apr 27, 2018 07:13 by Daisy Paul
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at Sylvan. Bright blue passerine with rusty wingbars and large bill. Photos"
- Reported Apr 27, 2018 07:13 by Daisy Paul
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at Sylvan. Bright blue passerine with rusty wingbars and large bill. Photos"
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Sean Sime report on GWC YTWA.
The YTWA at Green-wood Cemetery may be the short billed albilora subspecies. Shane Blodgett's images, albeit distant, seem to support this. There is some question as to whether the subspecies of YTWA are genetically distinct vs clinal, but either way it's a cool bird that looks very different from the Prospect Park individuals.
Fwd: today's yellow-throated vireo
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2018, 7:06 PM
Subject: today's yellow-throated vireo
To: Peter Dorosh <>
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2018, 7:06 PM
Subject: today's yellow-throated vireo
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Fwd: Thursday's walk
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Stephenson <>
To: ProsBird <>
Cc: Robert Bate <>; Dennis Hrehowsik <>; Bobbi Manian <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 26, 2018 04:03 PM
Subject: Thursday's walk
Hi Peter,
Great seeing you in the park today.
It was a very beautiful day and a great group. We had a couple of raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels...lots of stuff...Oh, also, Robins......And did I mention House Sparrows...lots of those also.
But kidding aside, it was wery, wery quite...
We did end up with 49 species, so actually we did OK.
Highlight probably was a small group of Brant flying over, and a very cooperative ovenbird.
There were also lots of yellow-rumps, a Pine Warbler and several Blue-headed Vireo. Also Towhee!
Here's the list.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Canada Goose |
Brant |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
American Black Duck |
Mallard |
Northern Shoveler |
Red-tailed Hawk |
American Coot |
Laughing Gull |
Ring-billed Gull |
Herring Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
Tree Swallow |
Barn Swallow |
Tufted Titmouse |
Carolina Wren |
House Wren |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
American Robin |
European Starling |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Pine Warbler |
Palm Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Ovenbird |
Common Yellowthroat |
Eastern Towhee |
Chipping Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Common Grackle |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
American Goldfinch |
House Sparrow |
Greenwood Cemetery continuing birds
Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) (1)
- Reported Apr 26, 2018 09:13 by Isaac Grant
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at Slyan Water. Flew west over hill"
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Apr 26, 2018 09:13 by Isaac Grant
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Feeding along pond "
- Reported Apr 26, 2018 09:13 by Isaac Grant
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at Slyan Water. Flew west over hill"
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Apr 26, 2018 09:13 by Isaac Grant
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Feeding along pond "
Friday could be a decent birding morning according to Birdcast. Some Yellow mixed in with localized red.
At least I have off.. :)
At least I have off.. :)

Thursday's quietude
Predictably, with last night's passing storm and wrong winds, certainly not in favor for migratory birds, converted into a low birding day. The quietude was noticed with one or two quality sightings to note.
Two YELLOW THROATED VIREOS made Thursday's birds. One was reported by Orrin over at Greenwood Cemetery. Closer to here at Prospect, Richard Payne found one in the Ravine.
The second quality species is CLIFF SWALLOW. Observed by Joshua M, it was seen over Prospect Lake in early afternoon before it too departed not long after the sighting.
The Brooklyn Bird Club had its walk today and as soon as I get the report I will forward to here.
At least this day was special: It's John Jay Audubon's 233rd birthday.
Two YELLOW THROATED VIREOS made Thursday's birds. One was reported by Orrin over at Greenwood Cemetery. Closer to here at Prospect, Richard Payne found one in the Ravine.
The second quality species is CLIFF SWALLOW. Observed by Joshua M, it was seen over Prospect Lake in early afternoon before it too departed not long after the sighting.
The Brooklyn Bird Club had its walk today and as soon as I get the report I will forward to here.
At least this day was special: It's John Jay Audubon's 233rd birthday.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Apr 25, 2018 16:30 by Will Pollard
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing at Southwest slope of Sylvan Water"
- Reported Apr 25, 2018 16:30 by Will Pollard
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing at Southwest slope of Sylvan Water"
Tweet from will pollard (@billmiky)
will pollard (@billmiky) tweeted at 5:39 PM on Wed, Apr 25, 2018:
Yellow-throated warbler Hill South of Sylvan water. Blue grosbeak too
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Yellow-throated warbler Hill South of Sylvan water. Blue grosbeak too
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This coming Sunday
The first of the double weekend Brooklyn Bird Club local walks to take advantage of the peak migration till mid May
APRIL 29 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Meet 9 am at Pier 1 park entrance where Old Fulton Street ends/intersects with Furman St. (Barge Music);To the left (south) of Barge Music there is an NYC Ferry ticket machine (near the Lizzmonade kiosk). The walk starts by the benches right next to the ticket machine. This is a two hour walk.
Public Transit: Nearest subways are: “A or C “ at High St.; “F” at York St.; 2/3 does not run in Brooklyn on weekends currently ; Bus B25 from Cadman Plaza/ Court Street Borough Hall
IMPORTANT NOTE: Leader won’t be checking her phone for text messages once the walk begins. If anyone arrives after 9:05am, CALL (not text) Heather or look for anyone with binoculars walking around Pier 1. (The group be at Pier 1 for at least the 30 minutes.)
Fwd: Photo of Louisiana Waterthrush
another nice photo for this day , taken by Charles Tang
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 6:37 am
Subject: Photo of Louisiana Waterthrush
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 6:37 am
Subject: Photo of Louisiana Waterthrush
Fwd: Breakfast Buffet at Prospect Park
Photo for the "rainy day" taken by Marc
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Brawer <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 24, 2018 8:40 pm
Subject: Breakfast Buffet at Prospect Park
Hey Peter, I caught this guy chowing down in Prospect Park early yesterday
From: Marc Brawer <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 24, 2018 8:40 pm
Subject: Breakfast Buffet at Prospect Park
Hey Peter, I caught this guy chowing down in Prospect Park early yesterday
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Tuesday Birds
Before the storm, a number of scattered birds including yes again the YELLOW THROATED WARBLERS (YTWA) in Prospect.
One YTWA continues by the Boathouse, In the area of the boathouse itself. Ed Crowne heard the singing bird.
Other warblers of note to look for are as follows: LOUISIANA below Pagoda Bridge and likely the same bird at Music pagoda; Common Yellowthroat at Lily Pool platform; YELLOW and PRAIRIE WARBLERS singing on the Peninsula. A total of nine warblers reported today.
A BLACK VULTURE flew over Greenwood Cemetery.
This is the brief summary for today. Stay dry !
One YTWA continues by the Boathouse, In the area of the boathouse itself. Ed Crowne heard the singing bird.
Other warblers of note to look for are as follows: LOUISIANA below Pagoda Bridge and likely the same bird at Music pagoda; Common Yellowthroat at Lily Pool platform; YELLOW and PRAIRIE WARBLERS singing on the Peninsula. A total of nine warblers reported today.
A BLACK VULTURE flew over Greenwood Cemetery.
This is the brief summary for today. Stay dry !
Tweet from Ed Crowne (@ecrowne)
Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) tweeted at 9:33 AM on Tue, Apr 24, 2018:
2nd yellow throated Warbler at Boathouse, male Common Yellowthroat at viewing platform opp Binnen Bridge, LOWA at music pagoda
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2nd yellow throated Warbler at Boathouse, male Common Yellowthroat at viewing platform opp Binnen Bridge, LOWA at music pagoda
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Monday, April 23, 2018
Fwd: I’m retiring!
Well done Michelle!
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Michele Dreger <>
To: ProsBird <>; Robert Bate <>; deepseagangster <>; heidi.steiner.bklyn <>; bkbirdr <>; roberta.manian <>; 12toms <>; Rob Jett <>; matthewwills <>; Eni Falci <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 08:02 PM
Subject: I'm retiring!
On April 22, 2002, the Prospect Park Alliance opened the first urban Audubon Center! I volunteered to guide the Introduction to Birdwatching tour. I've been doing it ever since! As I prepare for my last few bird walks, I encourage you to join me during this incredible time of year to enjoy bird watching.
Saturday, May 5 at noon
Sunday, May 6 at 8am
Saturday, May 12 at noon
On Saturday, May 19, I will host a Bird Sit instead of a bird walk. From 7am to 3pm, I will be sitting on Boulder Bridge, listing the birds that come by! Stop by and join me for a bit! Bring a chair or a blanket and lunch! Have a picnic! Learn about birds!
Although I am leaving, several members of the Brooklyn Bird Club are stepping up to lead these walks through June. It will resume again in the fall.
I'm moving south to learn Shorebirds!
Michele Semeria Dreger
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Michele Dreger <>
To: ProsBird <>; Robert Bate <>; deepseagangster <>; heidi.steiner.bklyn <>; bkbirdr <>; roberta.manian <>; 12toms <>; Rob Jett <>; matthewwills <>; Eni Falci <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 08:02 PM
Subject: I'm retiring!
On April 22, 2002, the Prospect Park Alliance opened the first urban Audubon Center! I volunteered to guide the Introduction to Birdwatching tour. I've been doing it ever since! As I prepare for my last few bird walks, I encourage you to join me during this incredible time of year to enjoy bird watching.
Saturday, May 5 at noon
Sunday, May 6 at 8am
Saturday, May 12 at noon
On Saturday, May 19, I will host a Bird Sit instead of a bird walk. From 7am to 3pm, I will be sitting on Boulder Bridge, listing the birds that come by! Stop by and join me for a bit! Bring a chair or a blanket and lunch! Have a picnic! Learn about birds!
Although I am leaving, several members of the Brooklyn Bird Club are stepping up to lead these walks through June. It will resume again in the fall.
I'm moving south to learn Shorebirds!
Michele Semeria Dreger
Cliff swallow PP
Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) (1)
- Reported Apr 23, 2018 09:45 by Russ Alderson
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Swallow sp seemed to be hunting amongst the 4 Chimney swifts. Pale buff rump and short square tail observed. Seen from Lookout Hill. Flew off north with Swifts. "
- Reported Apr 23, 2018 09:45 by Russ Alderson
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Swallow sp seemed to be hunting amongst the 4 Chimney swifts. Pale buff rump and short square tail observed. Seen from Lookout Hill. Flew off north with Swifts. "
Orrins GWC AM report
Kestrel sylvan water south slope yellow warbler north side savannah sparrow northwest slope. Pix to follow
Like a record that skips
Some of us older folks remember the old days when vinyl records use to skip and play the same note over and over again. That's the theme I'm seeing with the two still present YELLOW THROATED WARBLERS in Prospect, still loyal to those two bridges..until one decided to skip to a new spot.
Both the Terrace Bridge and Lullwater Yellow throateds were seen and observed this morning. Though I tried without luck for the Lullwater bird (again), they are both there. However, the Terrace bird was on the move. Ed Crowne heard the bird along the shoreline south of the Terrace bridge. Then around 1 pm, Matt Beck reported the Yellow throated at the Peninsula tip (Wow, THIS IS NEWS!). The Lullwater Bridge bird has been according to Brad V making a circuit of the Boathouse pond, sometimes at the Boathouse area, then back.
Some other warblers , one new for the season came around. The new species is BLACK THROATED GREEN, seen at the north end of Butterfly Meadow (Bate). A YELLOW and a NORTHERN PARULA were reported at the Peninsula tip (Brawer). Two NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHES it seems had arrived at Binnen Run --behind the music pagoda, then the Binnen Pool, while another seen at Lower Pool (Crowne).Two PRAIRIE sang at the Peninsula tip as well, that locale looking like a hotspot there today.
Above Lookout Hill, a high flyer BROADWINGED HAWK was spotted by Karen O.The sky was also shared by some CHIMNEY SWIFTS as well; and last WINTER WREN put in an appearance at Lower Pool.
Over at Greenwood Cemetery, a new record with the BLUE GROSBEAK. It still reigns at Sylvan Water. Tip the needle please....
Both the Terrace Bridge and Lullwater Yellow throateds were seen and observed this morning. Though I tried without luck for the Lullwater bird (again), they are both there. However, the Terrace bird was on the move. Ed Crowne heard the bird along the shoreline south of the Terrace bridge. Then around 1 pm, Matt Beck reported the Yellow throated at the Peninsula tip (Wow, THIS IS NEWS!). The Lullwater Bridge bird has been according to Brad V making a circuit of the Boathouse pond, sometimes at the Boathouse area, then back.
Some other warblers , one new for the season came around. The new species is BLACK THROATED GREEN, seen at the north end of Butterfly Meadow (Bate). A YELLOW and a NORTHERN PARULA were reported at the Peninsula tip (Brawer). Two NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHES it seems had arrived at Binnen Run --behind the music pagoda, then the Binnen Pool, while another seen at Lower Pool (Crowne).Two PRAIRIE sang at the Peninsula tip as well, that locale looking like a hotspot there today.
Above Lookout Hill, a high flyer BROADWINGED HAWK was spotted by Karen O.The sky was also shared by some CHIMNEY SWIFTS as well; and last WINTER WREN put in an appearance at Lower Pool.
Over at Greenwood Cemetery, a new record with the BLUE GROSBEAK. It still reigns at Sylvan Water. Tip the needle please....
Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 1:04 PM on Mon, Apr 23, 2018:
Per Matt Beck :Yellow throated warbler at end of peninsula
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Per Matt Beck :Yellow throated warbler at end of peninsula
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Tweet from Marc Brawer (@satchmo0802)
Marc Brawer (@satchmo0802) tweeted at 7:05 AM on Mon, Apr 23, 2018:
Northern Parula and Yellow Warbler on tip of Prospect Park Peninsula
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Northern Parula and Yellow Warbler on tip of Prospect Park Peninsula
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Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder)
RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 8:22 AM on Mon, Apr 23, 2018:
BT Geen north end Butter Meadow
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BT Geen north end Butter Meadow
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Tweet from Ed Crowne (@ecrowne)
Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) tweeted at 7:04 AM on Mon, Apr 23, 2018:
Yellow throated Warbler singing between Terrace Bridge and peninsula meadow at water 's edge in Prospect
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Yellow throated Warbler singing between Terrace Bridge and peninsula meadow at water 's edge in Prospect
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Sunday, April 22, 2018
Fwd: Earth Day Green-Wood Walk
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Crowne <>
To: Peter Dorosch <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 22, 2018 03:52 PM
Subject: Earth Day Green-Wood Walk
Greetings, Peter
On an altogether pleasant day we began with 25 participants and tallied by walk's end 48 species of birds (eBird list: Our highlights included the continuing Blue Grosbeak and Eastern Kingbird, and Broad-winged Hawk.
Best regards, Ed
Other good birds tofay
See the previous posts for details
BOBOLINK in BBG watercourse, BROWN THRASHER BBG native garden, WILSONS SNIPE GWC Valley water, Northern Waterthrush PP Lily Pool
BOBOLINK in BBG watercourse, BROWN THRASHER BBG native garden, WILSONS SNIPE GWC Valley water, Northern Waterthrush PP Lily Pool
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:20 PM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Green-Wood Cemetery this morning: Blue Grosbeak at Sylvan, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, a few Pine Warblers, Brown Thrasher #birdbk
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Green-Wood Cemetery this morning: Blue Grosbeak at Sylvan, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, a few Pine Warblers, Brown Thrasher #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:47 PM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Also at Green-Wood this morning: Wilson's Snipe at Valley Water and Green Heron at Dell Water #birdbk
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Also at Green-Wood this morning: Wilson's Snipe at Valley Water and Green Heron at Dell Water #birdbk
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 4:24 PM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Blue Grosbeak at persimmons path and vista #birdbk via @Jeanmshum
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Blue Grosbeak at persimmons path and vista #birdbk via @Jeanmshum
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 6:03 PM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Bobolink reported this afternoon at Brooklyn Botanic Garden in reeds of water garden south of Conservatory #birdbk via @ryanacandee
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Bobolink reported this afternoon at Brooklyn Botanic Garden in reeds of water garden south of Conservatory #birdbk via @ryanacandee
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Earth day birds
On this Earth day when we consider conservation and reuse,recycle and more,birding is a good way to see results. A generally quiet day ensued with recurrent species in Prospect and Greenwood.
Prospect continues as usual with the two YELLOW THROATED WARBLERS. And again,it's the two bridges- Terrace and Lullwater- the main draw. Terrace bird was singing but more erratic; the Lullwater bird is the more congenial bird,showing well in the Larch tree at the bridge end. It was also observed picking off insects from the Boathouse wall and facade.
In Greenwood Cemetery,BLUE GROSBEAK made an appearance for today's BBC Walk led by Ed Crowne. Its I believed seen at Sylvan water east.
A LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was reported by Olin at Lily Pool.Along the Bridle path by here,a few EASTERN TOWHEE showed up. The latter species also was seen in the Ambergill.
Happy Earth Day. ( Volunteers did a great job cleaning up Plumb beach. See the BBC Facebook page)
Prospect continues as usual with the two YELLOW THROATED WARBLERS. And again,it's the two bridges- Terrace and Lullwater- the main draw. Terrace bird was singing but more erratic; the Lullwater bird is the more congenial bird,showing well in the Larch tree at the bridge end. It was also observed picking off insects from the Boathouse wall and facade.
In Greenwood Cemetery,BLUE GROSBEAK made an appearance for today's BBC Walk led by Ed Crowne. Its I believed seen at Sylvan water east.
A LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was reported by Olin at Lily Pool.Along the Bridle path by here,a few EASTERN TOWHEE showed up. The latter species also was seen in the Ambergill.
Happy Earth Day. ( Volunteers did a great job cleaning up Plumb beach. See the BBC Facebook page)
Fwd: 4.21.18 BBC WALK
leader Dennis
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dennis Hrehowsik <>
Date: Sat, Apr 21, 2018, 8:29 PM
Subject: 4.21.18
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Roberta <>, Tom Stephenson <>
From: Dennis Hrehowsik <>
Date: Sat, Apr 21, 2018, 8:29 PM
Subject: 4.21.18
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Roberta <>, Tom Stephenson <>
Hey everyone,
A fun walk with a cold start but good birds. Good looks and listens to at least 2 Maaaaayybe 3 yellow-throated Warbler, rusty black bird, 2 lousisnia water thrush seen and heard well, yellow Warbler (acting like a prothonotary), and prairie. A fun second walk of the season with a total of 62 species. Photo of birders looking at ytwa attached.
25 Canada Goose
5 Mute Swan
6 Wood Duck
20 Mallard
1 Ring-necked Duck
20 Ruddy Duck
5 Double-crested Cormorant
1 Great Blue Heron (Blue form)
3 Great Egret
1 Green Heron
5 Black-crowned Night-Heron
1 Turkey Vulture
1 Osprey
2 Red-tailed Hawk
2 American Coot
10 Laughing Gull
5 Ring-billed Gull
1 Herring Gull
5 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
5 Mourning Dove
3 Belted Kingfisher
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
2 Downy Woodpecker
2 Hairy Woodpecker
8 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
5 Eastern Phoebe
1 Blue-headed Vireo
35 Blue Jay
1 Fish Crow
2 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
10 Tree Swallow
5 Barn Swallow
1 Tufted Titmouse
2 Brown Creeper
5 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
2 Golden-crowned Kinglet
20 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
12 Hermit Thrush
150 American Robin
1 Northern Mockingbird
100 European Starling
5 Cedar Waxwing
2 Louisiana Waterthrush
2 Black-and-white Warbler
1 Northern Parula
1 Yellow Warbler
10 Palm Warbler (Yellow)
5 Pine Warbler
40 Yellow-rumped Warbler
2 Yellow-throated Warbler -- At lease two possible three. Two seen at once near terrace bridge. One vocal one mum. Later a single bird near lullwater bridge.
1 Prairie Warbler
7 White-throated Sparrow
5 Song Sparrow
4 Swamp Sparrow
2 Eastern Towhee
8 Northern Cardinal
15 Red-winged Blackbird
4 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 Rusty Blackbird
25 Common Grackle
2 American Goldfinch
25 House Sparrow
Number of Taxa: 62
Tweet from Janet Zinn (@bkbirdr) 2nd YTWA bird
Janet Zinn (@bkbirdr) tweeted at 8:52 AM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Ytwa Lullwater bridge also. #birdbk
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Ytwa Lullwater bridge also. #birdbk
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Tweet from Janet Zinn (@bkbirdr)
Janet Zinn (@bkbirdr) tweeted at 7:55 AM on Sun, Apr 22, 2018:
Yellow throated warbler still by Terrace Bridge, singing. #birdbk
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Yellow throated warbler still by Terrace Bridge, singing. #birdbk
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Today is EARTH DAY!
Reflect on ways of saving our home planet. It's the only one we know of we can survive ( don't think Mars is good enough)
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Saturday's "smorgasbirds"
Every Saturday on Prospect's Breeze Hill there is Smorgasbord Day. But here plus Greenwood Cemetery ,birder partake in Smorgasbirds,and it's been a nice day with quality birds.
For good quality, Greenwood's east slope Sylvan Water and today's Valley Water provided the backdrop. The BLUE GROSBEAK put in its brief appearance along the Sylvan road that starts to rise,in a tree before it flew uphill. I didn't see it after the takeoff.However a cooperative EASTERN KINGBIRD alighted on a weeping cherry there where PALM WARBLERS and YELLOW RUMPEDS practiced their aerial display.
The SUMMER TANAGER on the other hand moved to a new location.Found along the eastern shore of Valley Water,it acted like a hyperactive flycatcher,zipping back and forth among the trees on the shoreline.Valley Water is the pond beyond the large chapel. I figure the tanager was making me dizzy so I succeeded just watching one tree where I observed it several times. Nevertheless a good number of birders had thier Smorgasbirds moment with the SUTA.
Louisiana Waterthrush put in a good presence this morning. These are the locations found in : Sylvan water western shore,Dellwater, Prospects Binnen Pool,Three Arches.
Rusty Blackbird had its own spot at Dellwater as reported by Joe Borker.Two INDIGO BUNTINGS were found in the cemetery- one a brigh male at Crescent Water.
The YELLOW THROATED WARBLER extends its own remarkable stay in Prospect. The bird at Terrace Bridge on the south side has been there so long,a true loyalist. The Lullwater Bridge bird was spotted by Dennis BBC Walk and visits mostly the larch tree at the bridge end. There's conclusive acceptance there likely are three Yellow throated,with the third bird at West island,quite a notable occurrence.
Other reported birds worth noting occurred in Prospect. Prairie Warbler continuing at Lower Pool backwater is a now a remarkable streak. A Ruby throated Hummingbird at Three Arches was observed.
Smorgasbirds Saturday is looking good for the next several weeks.
PS. Please note as the peak season approaches,it would be impossible to credit observers in my posts unless it's a super rarity. Its tough to absorb all the large information amount.
For good quality, Greenwood's east slope Sylvan Water and today's Valley Water provided the backdrop. The BLUE GROSBEAK put in its brief appearance along the Sylvan road that starts to rise,in a tree before it flew uphill. I didn't see it after the takeoff.However a cooperative EASTERN KINGBIRD alighted on a weeping cherry there where PALM WARBLERS and YELLOW RUMPEDS practiced their aerial display.
The SUMMER TANAGER on the other hand moved to a new location.Found along the eastern shore of Valley Water,it acted like a hyperactive flycatcher,zipping back and forth among the trees on the shoreline.Valley Water is the pond beyond the large chapel. I figure the tanager was making me dizzy so I succeeded just watching one tree where I observed it several times. Nevertheless a good number of birders had thier Smorgasbirds moment with the SUTA.
Louisiana Waterthrush put in a good presence this morning. These are the locations found in : Sylvan water western shore,Dellwater, Prospects Binnen Pool,Three Arches.
Rusty Blackbird had its own spot at Dellwater as reported by Joe Borker.Two INDIGO BUNTINGS were found in the cemetery- one a brigh male at Crescent Water.
The YELLOW THROATED WARBLER extends its own remarkable stay in Prospect. The bird at Terrace Bridge on the south side has been there so long,a true loyalist. The Lullwater Bridge bird was spotted by Dennis BBC Walk and visits mostly the larch tree at the bridge end. There's conclusive acceptance there likely are three Yellow throated,with the third bird at West island,quite a notable occurrence.
Other reported birds worth noting occurred in Prospect. Prairie Warbler continuing at Lower Pool backwater is a now a remarkable streak. A Ruby throated Hummingbird at Three Arches was observed.
Smorgasbirds Saturday is looking good for the next several weeks.
PS. Please note as the peak season approaches,it would be impossible to credit observers in my posts unless it's a super rarity. Its tough to absorb all the large information amount.
Fwd: Yellow & yellow-throated warbler
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Kepler <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>; Dennis Hrehowsik <>
Sent: Sat, Apr 21, 2018 12:12 PM
Subject: Yellow & yellow-throated warbler
Good Afternoon!
Figured you may like some photos of the "yellow" birds we saw this morning, great walk led by Dennis as we were treated to yellow-throated warblers, one in close range and another singing, both at the terrace bridge, on the Lullwater just before 9:30AM today.Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder)
RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 11:18 AM on Sat, Apr 21, 2018:
Yell Throat at lullwater bridge
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Yell Throat at lullwater bridge
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 10:12 AM on Sat, Apr 21, 2018:
GWCem West shore Sylvan water LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH
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GWCem West shore Sylvan water LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH
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Tweet from Ed Crowne (@ecrowne)
Ed Crowne (@ecrowne) tweeted at 8:08 AM on Sat, Apr 21, 2018:
Yellow throated Warbler still present and singing peninsula side of Terrace Bridge
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Yellow throated Warbler still present and singing peninsula side of Terrace Bridge
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 9:06 AM on Sat, Apr 21, 2018:
Gwcem summer tanager along east shore of valley water,1st pond in from 25th st entr
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Gwcem summer tanager along east shore of valley water,1st pond in from 25th st entr
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Friday, April 20, 2018
Fwd: Green-wood Cemetery Birding This Morning
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Brawer <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 20, 2018 08:32 PM
Subject: Green-wood Cemetery Birding This Morning
Hey Peter, had a good morning at Green-wood this morning. Attached are some
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