Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Flycatching before the rain

Today in Prospect before it started raining was more of a flycatcher morning.Reports of ACADIAN, ALDER and OLIVE SIDED dominated the few reports I read .

Starting off with the best flycatcher, two ACADIANS were noted. One singing bird sang on Lookout Hill's lower west slope opposite the Quaker Cemetery according to Joshua M./ Then by the same observer, another Acadian was found in the Midwood.

Then there  was the continuing OLIVE SIDED FLYCATCHER. Again like the Acadian two birds reported. Joshua had one high up in a snag at the first Acadian spot, west slope Lookout Hill, Then Linda found one at Terrace Bridge .

Regarding warblers, not much to report here. Linda E had two BAY BREASTED WARBLERS down low at Terrace Bridge. Matt Beck happened on a lode at the Peninsula tip around 1030 . Those birds included BLACKBURNIAN, WILSON'S. BLACK THROATED GREEN YELLOW, BLACKPOLL  and MAGNOLIA among his sightings.