Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fwd: Wednesday, May 8, BBC Bird Walk in Brooklyn Bridge Park

Yutori(Japanese): intentionally slowing down to simply be,breathe, listen and approach the beauty of nature and life.
  Consciously creating space to relax, reflect,and integrate rather than being constantly busy or rushed.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Yuan <>
Date: Thu, May 9, 2024, 7:53 AM
Subject: Wednesday, May 8, BBC Bird Walk in Brooklyn Bridge Park
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Dennis Hrehowsik <>, Catherine Quayle <>

From Catherine Quayle, who led this week:

Despite drizzly conditions, eight walkers showed up and we toured Pier 1, observing numerous black-and-white warblers, singing yellow warblers, and a few Baltimore orioles and rose-breasted grosbeaks. Red-winged blackbirds were attending to their nest at Turtle Pond, and the green heron was in its perch above the Long Pond. Common terns were calling off the pier. Blackpolls seemed to have arrived overnight, but otherwise there was not a lot of evidence of the 800,000 birds that were supposed to have passed over Kings County in the highest night of migration so far this spring. A downpour cut our group to 5 (including me), and we continued to Pier 3. We briefly heard a veery singing in the uplands. On the pier, there were lots of common yellowthroats, an ovenbird, a few savannah sparrows, a singing towhee and the usual white-throated sparrows everywhere. A spotted sandpiper arrived at Pier 1 late in the morning.
