Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

"Autumn…the year's last, loveliest smile." ~ William Cullen Bryant


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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 1:50 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>
To: <>

*** Species Summary:

- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1 report)
- American Bittern (1 report)
- Wood Thrush (1 report)
- Clay-colored Sparrow (1 report)
- Vesper Sparrow (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.  The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.

eBird encourages our users to bird safely, responsibly, and mindfully. Please follow the recommendations of your local health authorities and respect any active travel restrictions in your area. For more information visit:

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) (1)
- Reported Oct 16, 2024 10:30 by Zach Smart
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Cuckoo seen in the ailanthus trees by the sumac thicket above the peninsula, casually feasting on lanternflies for at least ten minutes. Prominently yellow lower mandible, warm cast in flight feathers. Had been reported yesterday as well I believe. In the rightmost ailanthus."

American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) (1)
- Reported Oct 15, 2024 08:36 by Zohara Nguyen
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Hiding in the phragmites along the lake edge. Long, pointed bill and bold stripes down chest."

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) (1)
- Reported Oct 16, 2024 10:48 by Alex Tey
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "medium large thrush with exceptionally large, perceptive-seeming eye. rounder and bigger than Catharus spp. uniformly rufous-brown above, white below with black spotting"

Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida) (1)
- Reported Oct 16, 2024 10:19 by karen o'hearn
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Close-up look while it purched on the fence.  Similar to chipping sparrow, but overall very "blond" looking with ultra buffy, blond breast and clean lores."

Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) (1)
- Reported Oct 16, 2024 10:30 by Zach Smart
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "At least one of the birds reported yesterday, seen as soon as I walked up, around 10:50-11am in the "delta" enclosure where trails meet towards the center of nethermead. Exact match for the individuals photographed yesterday, dark streaky chest, prominent white eye ring. Perched up in one of the saplings briefly, not re-found."


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eBird Alerts provide recent reports of regionally or seasonally rare species (Rarities Alerts) or species you have not yet observed (Needs Alerts) in your region of interest; both Accepted and Unreviewed observations are included. Some reports may be from private property or inaccessible to the general public. It is the responsibility of every eBirder to be aware of and respectful of access restrictions. For more information, see our Terms of Use: