Sunday, January 19, 2025

A record breaker and quality sunday

The bird of the day is obviously Common Merganser. According to a source ,this species set the high count historically for prospect park besting the previous count of nine.

This morning Sameer spotted 15 Common mergansers in open water of a mostly frozen lake. Photos he took verified the number . When I finally got around after morning services and errands, I saw three-two hens and a Drake and that's enough for me adoring this beautiful duck. Nearby at Three Sisters islands a pair of wood ducks and a hen Hooded Merganser added some beauty as well.

Other scarce reports centered on the feeders and overhead. The Pine warbler continues to visit the feeders ,joined by a female purple finch. Another birder watched a flyover juvenile Bald Eagle.

If you're interested in Greenwood Cemetery birds, go to the Dellwater feeders . There you're find the continuing two Baltimore Orioles and Chipping Sparrow. Meanwhile the now more redder Redheaded Woodpeckers sticks to its abode at Hemlock Ave west of Battle Avenue in the  3 or 4th tree on the south edge of the road. That's its cavity roost.

Stay warm! And enjoy the snow ! 🎿❄️☃️

The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of a day I had rued."

"Dust of Snow",-Robert Frost