A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements,miscellany in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden & north half of Kings County, & Greenwood Cemetery.A service for Brooklyn birders and visitors. Also note: Conservation issues & miscellany posts.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Fwd: Woodcock
-----Original Message-----
From: pepaul@.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Sat, Nov 29, 2014 1:24 pm
Subject: Woodcock
After seeing your report, I went to GWC, and got this shot of the American Woodcock. It was sitting right out in the open, and let Daisy (my wife) and me have a really nice look before eventually flying away.
Ebird yahoo post
An apparent Cackling Goose was seen this afternoon flying north towards Prospect Lake before the V of 23 birds headed west past Greenwood. The Cackling stood out immediately when I noticed the flock because with the naked eye I could barely see it's body. Through 10x42's I could see the body of the goose was roughly half the size of the surrounding geese and when the flock was in good light the breast appeared darker than the Canada's. The neck was short and the combination of the size and shape gave the bird a long winged, fast flapping look. Due to the distance I was not able to ascertain the bill size of shape. It is for this reason alone I often bypass identifying Cackling Geese in flight, but this bird was clearly not an "in betweener." I hope this winter shapes up to be another great goose season!
Sean Sime Brooklyn, NY
Sean Sime Brooklyn, NY
GWC to Bush Terminal : staying in the nabe
Rather than take a longer drive to the coast, staying local on this chilly day paid off. Loads of juncos with other sparrows and ducks topping the ten species list fulfilled our satisfaction; if one is content with enjoying the birding day particularly in cold weather,it can be enough to call the day a success.
In Greenwood Cemetery, Mary Eyster and I were treated to a spectacle of DARK EYED JUNCOs in many locations.We estimated at least 800 birds. Along the Sweetgum Path across from the main castle entrance ,Ocean Hill the birdiest and Jasmine Ave, we found sizable flocks of Juncos. Among those birds, we tallied 10 FOX SPARROWS, a single FIELD SPARROW along Ocean Hill Ave. Likely the best bird was AMERICAN WOODCOCK hiding in open field in leaf clutter ,no way of seeing till it flushed ,by the Wistaria Path at Jasmine Avenue. Also here we watched an AMERICAN KESTREL mobbed by ten BLUE JAYS. On the latter, this species occurred in many spots, our count easily 45 birds. Its great this gorgeous bird shows up in numbers, always taken for granted.
Greenwood ducks started our day count.HOODED MERGANSER hens and RUDDY in Sylvan Waters supplemented the Bush Terminal Park ducks ,among them the continuing rarity.
The best Bush Terminal duck is the drake EURASIAN WIGEON. First reported by Mike Yuan this morning,we found it in the usual broken pier area behind the building with the statue before the park entrance, with some AMERICAN WIGEONS.
Bush Terminal ,just recently opened continued to impress with ducks. In the west cove ,over 140 BUFFLEHEAD mingled with 23 LESSER SCAUP with a single GREATER. after this ,single KILLDEER on the rock jetty, a high number of 55 GREATER BLACK BACK GULL and a lone RED THROATED LOON were noted. We documented eleven duck species,without even going coastal today.
In Greenwood Cemetery, Mary Eyster and I were treated to a spectacle of DARK EYED JUNCOs in many locations.We estimated at least 800 birds. Along the Sweetgum Path across from the main castle entrance ,Ocean Hill the birdiest and Jasmine Ave, we found sizable flocks of Juncos. Among those birds, we tallied 10 FOX SPARROWS, a single FIELD SPARROW along Ocean Hill Ave. Likely the best bird was AMERICAN WOODCOCK hiding in open field in leaf clutter ,no way of seeing till it flushed ,by the Wistaria Path at Jasmine Avenue. Also here we watched an AMERICAN KESTREL mobbed by ten BLUE JAYS. On the latter, this species occurred in many spots, our count easily 45 birds. Its great this gorgeous bird shows up in numbers, always taken for granted.
Greenwood ducks started our day count.HOODED MERGANSER hens and RUDDY in Sylvan Waters supplemented the Bush Terminal Park ducks ,among them the continuing rarity.
The best Bush Terminal duck is the drake EURASIAN WIGEON. First reported by Mike Yuan this morning,we found it in the usual broken pier area behind the building with the statue before the park entrance, with some AMERICAN WIGEONS.
Bush Terminal ,just recently opened continued to impress with ducks. In the west cove ,over 140 BUFFLEHEAD mingled with 23 LESSER SCAUP with a single GREATER. after this ,single KILLDEER on the rock jetty, a high number of 55 GREATER BLACK BACK GULL and a lone RED THROATED LOON were noted. We documented eleven duck species,without even going coastal today.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 28, 2014
------ Original Message ------
From: Kathleen Toomey
Date: 11/28/2014 8:41 PM
To: Prosbird@aol.com;
Subject: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 28, 2014
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: ebird-checklist@cornell.edu
Date: November 28, 2014 at 6:12:46 PM EST
To: Kathleentoomey@gmail.com
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 28, 2014
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Nov 28, 2014 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
28 species (+1 other taxa)
Canada Goose 16
Mute Swan 6
American Black Duck 4
Mallard 40
Northern Shoveler 210
Hooded Merganser 7
Ruddy Duck 20
Cooper's Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Coot 12
gull sp. 100
Mourning Dove 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 3
Black-capped Chickadee 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin 20
Fox Sparrow 2
Song Sparrow 2
White-throated Sparrow 5
Dark-eyed Junco 1
Northern Cardinal 4
Red-winged Blackbird 18
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Purple Finch 3
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 5
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20710878
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
Purple and Red crisp day
A cold crisp day much to my liking led to some very nice birds .Winter means a slower pace and also appreciation for the few good sightings that emphasizes the beauty of the cold season.
En route to the feeders, along the west lake shore I spotted a raptor. Perched high in a sassafras tree, a mature COOPERS HAWK was busy preening itself in the bright sunlight. Below it was definitely quiet,of course. Later when I passed the same area on the middle slope path it was active with ground foragers including two FOX SPARROWS. Behind the picnic tables the SWAMP SPARROW reappeared for the second straight day.
Out on the lake, the new change are the HOODED MERGANSERS. There's a flock of seven led by a single drake.I saw two more hens separately one by Duck island and one in the reeds at the northwest shore phragmites.A hen BUFFLEHEAD stuck around.
It was at the feeders though where winter cold reveals its best. On the thistle feeders particularly the one closest to the fence,up to 4 PURPLE FINCHES took advantage of the seed. One gorgeous male with three females kept me glued to the scene.It s what the feeders potential does when fewer birds are around in this mean season. With them goldfinches,fox sparrows, white breasted nuthatch,chickadee also happened.
On my way home after a quiet period atop Lookout Hill, I noted a good raptor right near the Coopers spot. A flyover RED SHOULDERED HAWK glided and circled a few times over southwest Lookout Hill.
Its cold yes but soothed by a few good birds makes its worthwhile getting outside.
En route to the feeders, along the west lake shore I spotted a raptor. Perched high in a sassafras tree, a mature COOPERS HAWK was busy preening itself in the bright sunlight. Below it was definitely quiet,of course. Later when I passed the same area on the middle slope path it was active with ground foragers including two FOX SPARROWS. Behind the picnic tables the SWAMP SPARROW reappeared for the second straight day.
Out on the lake, the new change are the HOODED MERGANSERS. There's a flock of seven led by a single drake.I saw two more hens separately one by Duck island and one in the reeds at the northwest shore phragmites.A hen BUFFLEHEAD stuck around.
It was at the feeders though where winter cold reveals its best. On the thistle feeders particularly the one closest to the fence,up to 4 PURPLE FINCHES took advantage of the seed. One gorgeous male with three females kept me glued to the scene.It s what the feeders potential does when fewer birds are around in this mean season. With them goldfinches,fox sparrows, white breasted nuthatch,chickadee also happened.
On my way home after a quiet period atop Lookout Hill, I noted a good raptor right near the Coopers spot. A flyover RED SHOULDERED HAWK glided and circled a few times over southwest Lookout Hill.
Its cold yes but soothed by a few good birds makes its worthwhile getting outside.
All 4 PUFI on thistle
Digiscope photo not greatest but its a feast i wanna show n y feeders r a delight all winters seasons
Black Friday
Not my kind of day,this crazy shopping frenzy but I got this email of a hi quality Zeiss bins for anyone interested
Sure to go fast...
Sure to go fast...
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving bluebirds
On this gray and overcast Thanksgiving day ,nothing like some color particularly from our state bird the EASTERN BLUEBIRD.
As I got to the Peninsula sumacs grove, a flash and a female Bluebird perched over the pave path. I was looking for more and got my wish as 5 more appeared at the right end of the grove,some males very bright and very appealing ,making my hour a thankful moment . I absolutely adore bluebirds. The small flock proceeded farther down the path towards the bridge where they feasted on multiflora rose berries.
After the bluebird show,I took off for the feeders where I expected a feast. No disappointment as the feeders were active, I presumed the birds now thankful from their perspective. AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES numbering eleven were on both thistle feeders with a FOX SPARROW under each.Some RED WINGED BLACKBIRDS with WHITE THROATED SPARROWS completed the table party. Its only the beginning.
One more EASTERN BLUEBIRD appeared by the feeders making it a lucky seven for me.
On the way back to catch some football,I saw a SWAMP SPARROW behind lamppost #249 picnic tables.
Happy Thanksgiving all
As I got to the Peninsula sumacs grove, a flash and a female Bluebird perched over the pave path. I was looking for more and got my wish as 5 more appeared at the right end of the grove,some males very bright and very appealing ,making my hour a thankful moment . I absolutely adore bluebirds. The small flock proceeded farther down the path towards the bridge where they feasted on multiflora rose berries.
After the bluebird show,I took off for the feeders where I expected a feast. No disappointment as the feeders were active, I presumed the birds now thankful from their perspective. AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES numbering eleven were on both thistle feeders with a FOX SPARROW under each.Some RED WINGED BLACKBIRDS with WHITE THROATED SPARROWS completed the table party. Its only the beginning.
One more EASTERN BLUEBIRD appeared by the feeders making it a lucky seven for me.
On the way back to catch some football,I saw a SWAMP SPARROW behind lamppost #249 picnic tables.
Happy Thanksgiving all
![]() |
...guess my dinner got away |
Holiday Greetings
Happy Thanksgiving readers and friends.
We give thanks for the blessings of birds and the people we enjoy birding with.Family and good health, and to this great country we live in.
We give thanks for the blessings of birds and the people we enjoy birding with.Family and good health, and to this great country we live in.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Prospect wet cold & Bbbbrrrr
I don't mind snow which is the DRY version of precipitation during workdys, but sleety cold rain ? fuhgettaboouuit ! (tho , I am proudly Winter birder !)
In this miserable weather ( fortunately no driving for me ), just about the best thing to see in Prospect today were the 7 DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANTS that settled in on the lake. A hen HOODED MERGANSER hung by West Island. The usual are out there , Ruddies and Shovelers....
In this miserable weather ( fortunately no driving for me ), just about the best thing to see in Prospect today were the 7 DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANTS that settled in on the lake. A hen HOODED MERGANSER hung by West Island. The usual are out there , Ruddies and Shovelers....
DECEMBER 9th 7 PM BBC evening Program
From Dennis H,
Please Join the Brooklyn Bird Club Tuesday, December 9, 7:00 P.M. at the Litchfield Villa for:
Please Join the Brooklyn Bird Club Tuesday, December 9, 7:00 P.M. at the Litchfield Villa for:
Cuba is the largest country in the Caribbean and accounts for over half of all the land area in the West Indies. The diversity of Cuban birds is considerable, not only in terms of species richness, but also in terms of the number of endemics. The 372 species recorded in Cuba include 285 species that regularly occur. Living endemics 26 species, among them the charming Cuban Tody, the striking and Elegant Cuban Trogon, and the smallest of all birds in the World, the Bee Hummingbird! At the present talk Arturo will present the best itinerary that include the most important birding sites, with photos of most of the important birds you would love to see.
Arturo Kirkconnell is the bird curator at the National Museum of Natural History of Cuba. His curriculum vitae includes 77 scientific papers and he is author of two books: A Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba, and A Birdwatchers' Guide to Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the Caymans. At present, he is working in another project: The birds of Cuba that will be published by the BOU Checklist Series and A photographic Guide to the Birds of Cuba. Arturo has been leading birding tours in his native Cuba since 1988. To date he has guided more than 200 birding groups. He designed the present birding itinerary and the main birding strategies in Cuba. For any information about birding in Cuba, Cuban birds or to assist you to set up your birding trip, write him at: a.kirkconnell59@gmail.com
Dennis Hrehowsik
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Todays Prospect hilights
Rob Jett on his birding tour reported two good ones. South of the Nethermead Arches,5 EASTERN BLUEBIRDS. Then a visit to Butterfly Meadow got him ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER.
Two ducks remain of note ,GADWALL in Upper Pool and drake HOODED MERGANSER in the Lake
Two ducks remain of note ,GADWALL in Upper Pool and drake HOODED MERGANSER in the Lake
New Prospect Park website
Just rolled out. Check out the birdwatching link
Fwd: today's birds--BBG
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 25, 2014 10:47 am
Subject: Fw: today's birds--BBG
BBG this moring
Ring-billed gull
Red-tailed hawk (picture)
Purple finch (2; pictures)
Fox sparrow
Song sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Tufted titmouse
Northern cardinal
Black-capped chickadee
Red-bellied woodpecker
Mourning dove
European starling
American robin
Monday, November 24, 2014
Fwd: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 24, 2014
-----Original Message-----
From: kathleentoomey@
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 1:50 pm
Subject: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 24, 2014
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <ebird-checklist@cornell.edu>
Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 6:40 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 24, 2014
To: Kathleentoomey@
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Nov 24, 2014 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
37 species (+2 other taxa)
Canada Goose 5
Mute Swan 4
Wood Duck 1
Gadwall 2 Back of the Upper Pool, females
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 70
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
Northern Shoveler 40
Hooded Merganser 1 by 3 Sisters Islands
Ruddy Duck 40
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Cooper's Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Coot 30
gull sp. 150
Mourning Dove 15
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 8
Black-capped Chickadee 4
Tufted Titmouse 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Brown Creeper 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin 3
European Starling 11
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Fox Sparrow 4
Song Sparrow 3
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 30
Dark-eyed Junco 20
Northern Cardinal 6
Red-winged Blackbird 8
Purple Finch 3 by the 3 Arches Bridge, females
Pine Siskin 1
American Goldfinch 5
House Sparrow 14
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20662584
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
From: <ebird-checklist@cornell.edu>
Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 6:40 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 24, 2014
To: Kathleentoomey@
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Nov 24, 2014 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
37 species (+2 other taxa)
Canada Goose 5
Mute Swan 4
Wood Duck 1
Gadwall 2 Back of the Upper Pool, females
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 70
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 1
Northern Shoveler 40
Hooded Merganser 1 by 3 Sisters Islands
Ruddy Duck 40
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Cooper's Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Coot 30
gull sp. 150
Mourning Dove 15
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 8
Black-capped Chickadee 4
Tufted Titmouse 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Brown Creeper 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin 3
European Starling 11
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Fox Sparrow 4
Song Sparrow 3
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 30
Dark-eyed Junco 20
Northern Cardinal 6
Red-winged Blackbird 8
Purple Finch 3 by the 3 Arches Bridge, females
Pine Siskin 1
American Goldfinch 5
House Sparrow 14
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20662584
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
Fwd: Peacock, in P Park?
Not countable. ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: deartinsleyperky@gmail.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 4:01 pm
Subject: Peacock, in P Park?
-----Original Message-----
From: deartinsleyperky@gmail.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 4:01 pm
Subject: Peacock, in P Park?
Seriously. Up a tree along the path behind the zoo at dusk, presumed to be on the lam. (poor light-picture quality)
Ducks of Prospect
If one looks carefully and is content to just seeing one species , you can find a number of ducks in Prospect different from the usual Mallards.
Casually scanning the waters of Prospect, I was able to find HOODED MERGANSER, AMERICAN WIGEON and GADWALL in the mix with the SHOVELERS and RUDDIES. Three Sisters Islands had the drake HOODED and hen WIGEON in its perimeter; the GADWALL hen in the Upper Pool with Black Duck
So , counting those, I was content with 7 duck species.
Casually scanning the waters of Prospect, I was able to find HOODED MERGANSER, AMERICAN WIGEON and GADWALL in the mix with the SHOVELERS and RUDDIES. Three Sisters Islands had the drake HOODED and hen WIGEON in its perimeter; the GADWALL hen in the Upper Pool with Black Duck
So , counting those, I was content with 7 duck species.
Northern Shoveler Gadwall American Black Duck American Wigeon Hooded Merganser Ruddy Duck Mallard
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Fwd: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 23, 2014
From: joshuamalbin@
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Sun, Nov 23, 2014 1:22 pm
Subject: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 23, 2014
I spent about an hour and a half mostly circling the south side of the lake. Highlights were a large mixed flock in a feeding binge on a sweetgum tree, including three female Purple Finches, and a little farther on a flock of six Rusty Blackbirds perched in the reeds. Also a banded Red-tail was hunting from very low perches, but I couldn't ever read the band.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <ebird-checklist@cornell.edu>
Date: Nov 23, 2014 6:17 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 23, 2014
To: <joshuamalbin@gmail.com>
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Nov 23, 2014 3:16 PM - 4:43 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Submitted from BirdLog NA for Android v1.9.6
26 species
Canada Goose 33
Mute Swan 4
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 125
Northern Shoveler 105
Ruddy Duck 32
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Not one of the usual residents. This bird was banded, although someone deliberately scared it off by throwing his keys at it before I could read the band. South side of the lake, seemed to like to perch low if anyone is around and wants to try to read it. I got part of it, what appeared to be 1918.
American Coot 34
Ring-billed Gull 120
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) X
Mourning Dove 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Hermit Thrush 1
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow 16
Northern Cardinal 1
Red-winged Blackbird 5
Rusty Blackbird 6 South side of the lake near 3 sisters.
Purple Finch 3
American Goldfinch 6
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20648923
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
From: <ebird-checklist@cornell.edu>
Date: Nov 23, 2014 6:17 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Nov 23, 2014
To: <joshuamalbin@gmail.com>
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
Nov 23, 2014 3:16 PM - 4:43 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Submitted from BirdLog NA for Android v1.9.6
26 species
Canada Goose 33
Mute Swan 4
American Black Duck 5
Mallard 125
Northern Shoveler 105
Ruddy Duck 32
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Not one of the usual residents. This bird was banded, although someone deliberately scared it off by throwing his keys at it before I could read the band. South side of the lake, seemed to like to perch low if anyone is around and wants to try to read it. I got part of it, what appeared to be 1918.
American Coot 34
Ring-billed Gull 120
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) X
Mourning Dove 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Hermit Thrush 1
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow 16
Northern Cardinal 1
Red-winged Blackbird 5
Rusty Blackbird 6 South side of the lake near 3 sisters.
Purple Finch 3
American Goldfinch 6
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20648923
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
3 fnches at an urn
A stone urn full of water in Greenwood Cemetery was the scene of three finch species during our short afternoon visit to Dellwater. While watching the American Goldfinch flock actively moving around and to the water edge some clutching to the stone wall,three female PURPLE FINCHES joined in and then two PINE SISKINS fulfilled the trifecta.
To make our visit even better as temperatures started to drop,all three species though not the same time visited the water urn along the Primrose Path ,in front of the Simpson crypt on the south side of the pond. At one point the three Purples were present and we watched one snapped aggressively at a goldfinch. Winter drama at its best with these winter finches.
To make our visit even better as temperatures started to drop,all three species though not the same time visited the water urn along the Primrose Path ,in front of the Simpson crypt on the south side of the pond. At one point the three Purples were present and we watched one snapped aggressively at a goldfinch. Winter drama at its best with these winter finches.
Fwd: GWC
-----Original Message-----
From: tilevitzo@yahoo.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Sun, Nov 23, 2014 8:55 am
Subject: GWC
Green-Wood Cemetery. It took me almost 3 hours, but I saw over 23 species, pine siskins (in three places) and a wood duck. Here is the list:
Red-bellied woodpecker
White-breasted nuthatch
Blue jay
Dark-eyed junco
Black-capped chickadee
Northern cardiinal
Red-tailed hawk
American goldfinch (flocks in sweet gums and at Crescent Water)
Pine siskin (end of Heath Path in sweet gum, at Crescent Water, and on Landscape Avenue above the Sylvan Water)
Fox sparrow
Wood duck (on Dell Water)
Red-winged blackbird
Chipping sparrow
song sparrow
Hooded merganser (3 hens on Sylvan Water)
Canada goose
Northern mockingbird
Ruddy duck
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Tufted titmouse
Monk parakeet
White-throated sparrow (total of 3)
Plus the species I just emailed you.
No American robins, feral pigeons, or house sparrows
Fwd: Prospect Park 11/23
------ Original Message ------
From: Sean Zimmer
Date: 11/23/2014 11:32 AM
To: prosbird@aol.com;
Subject: Prospect Park 11/23
Hi Peter, A belated report from my early afternoon walk in Prospect Park yesterday. The highlights: -3 Fox Sparrows and a Tree Sparrow along the Ambergill Stream, among a mixed flock of WT sparrows, juncos, chickadees, GC kinglets and nuthatches. -A Merlin dove at a flock of sparrows on the peninsula meadow -2 Cooper's Hawks above the lake A beautiful day in the park overall. -Sean
Saturday, November 22, 2014
EUWI at Bush terminal
As of yesterday, EURASIAN WIGEON was reported at Bush Terminal park by Bobbi Manian
Friday, November 21, 2014
FW: December 11th Prospect Park Alliance Event with Artist Rebecca Jewell; 6-8 pm
From: Eve Schwartz
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:27 AM
To: Milena Popov; meyerkaryn@yahoo.com; Rosie Teverow; jdlurnot1@aol.com; alexandra buffet; Kerstin; Deborah Wooten; Ava Hamilton; Ajamu Brown; All Staff
Subject: December 11th Prospect Park Alliance Event with Artist Rebecca Jewell; 6-8 pm
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:27 AM
To: Milena Popov; meyerkaryn@yahoo.com; Rosie Teverow; jdlurnot1@aol.com; alexandra buffet; Kerstin; Deborah Wooten; Ava Hamilton; Ajamu Brown; All Staff
Subject: December 11th Prospect Park Alliance Event with Artist Rebecca Jewell; 6-8 pm
Goldfinch puddle party
Today's guest of the Propsite work area puddle frequented by a flock of American Goldfinches are three , including one bright male PURPLE FINCHES.Yesterdays Siskin wasnt around but might be. At least 20 goldfinches were seen , acting skittish and nervous as they came to the shrinking water puddle now supplied by rain water as our pipes been shut off for the winter.
Later as i made my rounds, I counted 8 more goldfinches in the sweet gum grove at West Island shelter.So...bottom line? Check those sweet gum trees as the spiny seeds have now ripened for edibles....
The lake is about the same , shovelers, ruddies, 3 cormorant and the hen BUFFLEHEAD. Lots of gulls but nothing different but continuing checking might be a lucky moment for the observer
Later as i made my rounds, I counted 8 more goldfinches in the sweet gum grove at West Island shelter.So...bottom line? Check those sweet gum trees as the spiny seeds have now ripened for edibles....
The lake is about the same , shovelers, ruddies, 3 cormorant and the hen BUFFLEHEAD. Lots of gulls but nothing different but continuing checking might be a lucky moment for the observer
Fwd: Cedar Waxwing
-----Original Message-----
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 21, 2014 10:49 am
Subject: Fw: Cedar Waxwing
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 21, 2014 10:49 am
Subject: Fw: Cedar Waxwing
BBG this morning. Surprisingly productive in 45 minutes.
Coopers Hawk
Fox sparrow
song sparrow
white-throated sparrow
swamp sparrow (several)
Black-capped chickadee
Cedar waxwing (small flock)--picture
Blue jay
American robin
Tufted titmouse
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Pine Siskin
In the restricted Propagation area ( "Propsite) , a group of AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES kept coming to a water puddle when I went to pick up work materials. Among them , I could see a single PINE SISKIN.
Keep your eyes open I always tell folks....
Keep your eyes open I always tell folks....
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
A very brief stop at the lake
After a very tiring day,the best i could manage was birding briefly the Lake. Among those twirling Shovelers and dissipated Ruddies,I caught notice of a few different ducks
In around 250 feet from the western shore, 3 GADWALL were including a hen AMERICAN WIGEON in their party. Nice to see the Gadwalls but two different quality species for Prospect Lake is nice.
And after my spot, an adult COOPERS HAWK comes flying in and landed in the tree above me.It stayed there abit while I was able to enjoy watching it.
Two PIED BILLED GREBES continue to plow the waters .
In around 250 feet from the western shore, 3 GADWALL were including a hen AMERICAN WIGEON in their party. Nice to see the Gadwalls but two different quality species for Prospect Lake is nice.
And after my spot, an adult COOPERS HAWK comes flying in and landed in the tree above me.It stayed there abit while I was able to enjoy watching it.
Two PIED BILLED GREBES continue to plow the waters .
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Fwd: raptors
From Tinsley Perky
Coopers Hawk in Evergreen cemetery
-----Original Message-----
From: deartinsleyperky@gmail.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 1:04 pm
Subject: raptors
Coopers Hawk in Evergreen cemetery
-----Original Message-----
From: deartinsleyperky@gmail.com
To: Peter Dorosh
Sent: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 1:04 pm
Subject: raptors
Hiya, it's cold, but raptors have been plentiful on the Evergreens Cemetery-Ridgewood reservoir side of Brooklyn. A kestrel flew off but this coopers was in no hurry.
A surprising CYT in Butterfly Meadow
A very late and surprising COMMON YELLOWTHROAT popped upon the fence surrounding Arleen's Pine Grove, the bird eventually working the southern edge of the meadow before taking off down the southern upper flank of Lookout Hill.[9:15 am]
Bird....winter is coming , get the heck outta here !
Bird....winter is coming , get the heck outta here !
Monday, November 17, 2014
RBGulls invade the soaked.ballfields
Rainy day bought in a mass of gulls.Earlier same area a Merlin zipped by while i was counting a high number 63 Mourning Doves
List http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/email?subID=S20588082
Something to read on this rainy day; Allan Cruikshank
Written by a birding legend and a major contributor to the Kings County Xmas count, ornithologist Allan Cruikshank wrote this great book "Birds around New York City ", now an E- Book
bio brief on Allan Cruikshank
bio brief on Allan Cruikshank
Rain Rain rain ( blah!)
The rain dampers the day alot. But through it, a few RUSTY BLACKBIRDS mitigated the dreariness .As I was checking trash areas along the south lake shore, I stopped by Three Sisters Islands, and nearest to the phragmites patch at the western island the 3 birds flew up their perch in a mulberry. Just a minute for viewing before the blackbirds took off towards the Parade Grounds, whether they went over that or turned, I couldn't tell. At least we should be on the lookout for them now.
The Lake stays the same with Shovelers and Ruddy Ducks. One hen BUFFLEHEAD came away from the south shore of the "hammerhead " peninsula ( west of Three Sisters) with Ruddies.Two PIED BILLED GREBE and 4 DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANT are some other waterfowl sightings.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
time to shift towards winter mode
Although i had a very late start, there was too much quiet.An overcast day doesn't help. What settles in is the mindset that winter is coming and the need to accept more patience more focus on winter birds.Take for example the ducks here in Prospect.
The Shovelers and Ruddies continue their ways on the Lake but theres more I see. Along Three Sisters Islands, there are three GREENWINGED TEAL with one hen BUFFLEHEAD. I' ll take that for today. Nothing else is moving so a few nice ducks makes it worthwhile to getting out and finding someone of value.
The Shovelers and Ruddies continue their ways on the Lake but theres more I see. Along Three Sisters Islands, there are three GREENWINGED TEAL with one hen BUFFLEHEAD. I' ll take that for today. Nothing else is moving so a few nice ducks makes it worthwhile to getting out and finding someone of value.
Fwd: Kinglet & Orange crowned Warbler
Saturday, November 15, 2014
A new park starts off with aplomb
It didn't take long for Bush Terminal Park to shine a little bit. Our eagerness to see this new park netted us a great bird for this 40 acre park though sparse with forest yet dominated by waterfront.
The only entrance at 43 rd street and 1 st avenue was where the access road leading straight to the water got us the good bird. Spotted by Mary Eyster, we watched a drake EURASIAN WIGEON sail across towards the dilapidated broken pier . The rare duck spent much time behind pilings with American Wigeons. Look for the Bush Terminal Company building with the statue of Irving Bush for the pier beyond. To the left is the park entrance.
Spending a little time here in this new park,we saw some inaugural species. Two AMERICAN KESTRELS,one staying put to hunt,Swamp Sparrow and LESSER SCAUP with BUffleheads in the west cove. Then at the rock impoundments,resting on a crossover ,6 KILLDEER mingled. Off in the bay, we found 2 HOODED MERGANSERS odd to see there but marking our ninth duck species at Bush Terminal Park. Also of note ,on pilings or dock works,8 GREAT CORMORANTS.
This is more a park that would do well from mid autumn to early spring.But lack of forest doesn't mean birds wont drop in anyway in this open area
To reach this park via public transportation,take the R train to 45th St stop walk west at least 5 blocks then 2 to 43 rd and 1st Ave chain link entrance. Parking for cars is along 1st ave.check regulations. Its advised to travel with friends in this commercial area on weekends.
The only entrance at 43 rd street and 1 st avenue was where the access road leading straight to the water got us the good bird. Spotted by Mary Eyster, we watched a drake EURASIAN WIGEON sail across towards the dilapidated broken pier . The rare duck spent much time behind pilings with American Wigeons. Look for the Bush Terminal Company building with the statue of Irving Bush for the pier beyond. To the left is the park entrance.
Spending a little time here in this new park,we saw some inaugural species. Two AMERICAN KESTRELS,one staying put to hunt,Swamp Sparrow and LESSER SCAUP with BUffleheads in the west cove. Then at the rock impoundments,resting on a crossover ,6 KILLDEER mingled. Off in the bay, we found 2 HOODED MERGANSERS odd to see there but marking our ninth duck species at Bush Terminal Park. Also of note ,on pilings or dock works,8 GREAT CORMORANTS.
This is more a park that would do well from mid autumn to early spring.But lack of forest doesn't mean birds wont drop in anyway in this open area
To reach this park via public transportation,take the R train to 45th St stop walk west at least 5 blocks then 2 to 43 rd and 1st Ave chain link entrance. Parking for cars is along 1st ave.check regulations. Its advised to travel with friends in this commercial area on weekends.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Fwd: Grasshopper Sparrow from Brooklyn Bridge Park
From Heather Wolf
-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Wolf
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 14, 2014 1:56 pm
Subject: Re: Grasshopper Sparrow
From: Heather Wolf
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 14, 2014 1:56 pm
Subject: Re: Grasshopper Sparrow
HI Peter,
Thanks! I didn't get any good photos. But what I have is attached!
I'll add you to my phone and will text you if I see anything rare.
Brooklyn Bridge Park yesterday
I received word that a GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was seen in this park by regular observer Heather Wolf. There was a photo I saw .I hope to get it after I contact Heather.
The bird was not seen this morning.
A great bird for this infant park !
The bird was not seen this morning.
A great bird for this infant park !
Fwd: BBG
Note Orrin mentioned a juvenile grosbeak species in the Pine barrens /grassland ( new section) with sparrows in the Native Flora section.. if someone goes, please get a picture .thanks
Grosbeak species was in the new native plant garden, near the fence with the old native plant garden.
Grosbeak species was in the new native plant garden, near the fence with the old native plant garden.
-----Original Message-----
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 14, 2014 11:00 am
Subject: Fw: BBG
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 14, 2014 11:00 am
Subject: Fw: BBG
BBG this morning
Red-bellied woodpecker
Palm warbler (10 meters north of where I saw one yesterday, probably the same bird)
Fox sparrow (2)
Field sparrow
Swamp sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Song sparrow
Blue jay
Hermit thrush (2)
American goldfinch
Tufted titmouse
Northern cardinal
Thursday, November 13, 2014
"Overcrowded" Upper pool
Using the term in a droll way,the Upper pool had 5 species ducks . Not known for diversity ,anytime I can count that milestone its a eye opening ! ;-)
Beginning with the 3 GREEN WINGED TEAL, a hen HOODED MERGANSER joined the crowd. RUDDY DUCK and MALLARD were the common residents .Then careful scanning,I saw the pair of partially hidden WOOD DUCKs sitting on a willow snag.
The Lake with it complement of NORTHERN SHOVELERS and RUDDY also had PIED BILLED GREBE.
On the Peninsula meadow,one or two WINTER WRENS were present.Other that the birding was really quiet.
Beginning with the 3 GREEN WINGED TEAL, a hen HOODED MERGANSER joined the crowd. RUDDY DUCK and MALLARD were the common residents .Then careful scanning,I saw the pair of partially hidden WOOD DUCKs sitting on a willow snag.
The Lake with it complement of NORTHERN SHOVELERS and RUDDY also had PIED BILLED GREBE.
On the Peninsula meadow,one or two WINTER WRENS were present.Other that the birding was really quiet.
Fwd: BBG
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 13, 2014 11:29 am
Subject: Fw: BBG
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 13, 2014 11:29 am
Subject: Fw: BBG
--Decent selection, for mid-November, of birds in BBG this morning, including a palm warbler, carolina wren, and a small flock of cedar waxwings.
Song sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Fox sparrow
European starling
Mourning dove
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Cedar waxwing
Palm warbler
Blue jay
Hermit thrush
White-breasted nuthatch
Red-tailed hawk
Tufted titmouse
Black-capped chickadee
House sparrow
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Carolina wren
Northern cardinal
Common grackle (small flock)
American robin
Northern flicker
Song sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Fox sparrow
European starling
Mourning dove
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Cedar waxwing
Palm warbler
Blue jay
Hermit thrush
White-breasted nuthatch
Red-tailed hawk
Tufted titmouse
Black-capped chickadee
House sparrow
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Carolina wren
Northern cardinal
Common grackle (small flock)
American robin
Northern flicker
prospect lake Nov 12th
Seen with scattered Ruddy duck flock western sector,
earlier 3 GREENWINGED TEAL in Upper Pool
( looks like grebe came up one short)
earlier 3 GREENWINGED TEAL in Upper Pool
( looks like grebe came up one short)
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
my list today
Highlights were two PURPLE FINCHES and the three GREENWINGED TEAL
Fwd: GWC
-----Original Message-----
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 11, 2014 11:05 am
Subject: Fw: GWC
From: Orrin Tilevitz
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 11, 2014 11:05 am
Subject: Fw: GWC
Green-Wood Cemetery this morning.
Monk parakeet
Red-bellied woodpecker
Blue jay (many)
White-breasted nuthatch (many)
Mallard duck
White-throated sparrow
Northern flicker
American crow (flock of about a dozen)
Dark-eyed junco
American robin
Northern cardinal
Hermit thrush
Belted kingfisher
Song sparrow (see photographs)
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