Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 In a most spectacular sighting that adds to Prospect Parks legendary status, this afternoon was quite a treat. It was for me my #300 eBird sighting for Kings County ( though before eBird I had several undocumented records). A Kings County first Anhinga decided to make Prospect its glorious landfall.

At the end of Bobbi Manian's BBC Tuesday walk ,when most of her group left, member Racka Osickova found a stunner: there's an Anhinga perched on Duck Island. There it stayed through 5 pm, enough time for me to see it after I left work 350, thanks to my boss letting me leave early.

From the flash mobs vantage point at the Peninsula tip rustic shelter, the Anhinga was well seen and striking.

After I left 510, a tweet went out it flew. From the west shoreline, Michelle Truong tracked it , and me following her information, both of us saw the water bird land in the water in front of Three Sisters Islands. It alighted though 30 seconds later flew around before landing in a giant oak on the mainland by the lake drain ,near eastern Three Sisters. From that long distance, the bird frontal view was outstanding.

All I can say is Wow!

Thanks to the tweets for everyone to see this great mega rarity bird. It was long overdue for Kings County getting this Southern/ gulf coast bird